(no subject)

Feb 29, 2008 02:33

to often we tend to focus on the future.
but what about the present? the future is not set in stone.
all im asking of you is to give me today. do you love me today, right now, at this precise moment in time?
i dont know how ill feel years, months, or even tommorow. so much can happen just in one day.
lets not worry about the future, just live in the moment.
dont allow your heart to resist what it feels. it feels it for a reason.
its so easy to get caught up in the fears of life.
its so easy to run from the unknown.
my love for you is true and real. that is what i know as of this exact moment.
our relationship was not one of disfunction. i am willing to work on things.
but if you wish to push your heart aside and not listen to it, then that is a choice i will have to learn to live with.
i have loved and lost. and this love is one that i dont wish to lose.
sometimes, "the juice is worth the squeeze"
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