July's polls are finally here!

Sep 05, 2012 18:20

This poll is the poll to decide the winners for July 2012. It should have been posted August 1st. Now is the time to nominate quotes from August for Quote of the Month!

As usual, polling rules can be found here. Please be sure to double-check them, since improper votes will be discarded. This poll will close on September 12th at 8pm BST*

(Just so you know, that’s pollmod’s third wedding anniversary, so if you feel like issuing any grats on that date, feel free... ^_^ )



Nominations for Quote of the Month are:

carothepeasant - Allan sure had a sense of humor, although she was a tad bit offended by his comment about one-make that two- mouths to feed, she knew in her heart of hearts that these were hard times and he was right. To a point.

cath_arundel - "Erm...the Sheriff could wave that ring around all he wants, I doubt that any woman would bite."

djaq_thesaracen - It was ironic that the doubts came again now when the others were relaxing, were enjoying themselves.

guydegisborne - "Dinner?" he asked, with studied indifference. He didn't want her to believe he had any real interest.

jamesoftaversal - He hopped out there and MaryJosephandJesusHFUCKINGChrist! But that was cold! He sucked in a breath between clinched teeth but didn’t utter a blasphemous word.

nico_debeaumont - "The forest has been kind to you, apparently." And it was true; Much looked...he looked as hale and hearty as he always had, and Nico couldn't stop his grin from breaking forth and half-splitting his face.

robin_hood49 - "We do everything we can to help the blind; we are not among them-- which is fortunate, as we would be little help to them, if we were."



This poll will close at 8pm BST* on September 12th

*12pm Pacific Daylight Time, 2pm Central Daylight Time, 3pm Eastern Daylight Time. Please comment if your time zone is not covered, and it will be added.


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