(no subject)

May 26, 2006 15:49

no more comments. comments go by by!

They packed their bags and headed to Reno. Said that you were choking out their self identity, and dragging them down into a pit of despair and loneliness. You were the millstones around the comments' neck.

what an annoying metaphor

but yeah. comments let me see what other people think. I attested in the previous entry that I'm writing for me.

so this is me putting my money where my moth is.

or something like that.

I tried to go to the gym today


I kept on coming up with perfectly rational excuses as to why it was better for me to wait around and not go.

I've done that before.

"I just never have time to go to the gym."

Instead my time goes into meandering around the house, sluggishly getting those "ratioinal things to do" out of the way.

rationalizing my way into flabbery

I think that rationalization is the root of all evil

...or at least a large part of the root.

It just depends on what level of rationalization you're talking about.

I mean, let's start with me.

The laziness level.

"I need to go to the gym, but I need to dye my hair for the play first. And to do that I have to wash out the gel in my hair, let my hair dry, put in the dye, wait for it to color, wash it out, and THEN I can go to the gym."

when I could have gone to the gym first, and then dyed my hair afterwards.

Go a little further.

"Well, I'm really need to pay my electricity bill, bad. I know where (insert name of good friend or family member) keeps their money, and they have a lot of it. I mean, if I take the 150 bucks I need, it really won't be that big of a deal. I need it more than they do anyway."

Now, I don't believe that a person would actually say all those things to themselves, but I think that that could easily be a persons though process.

And I think rationalization can go all the way to the grandoise scale. Recognize this thought process?

"The Jews aren't really humans. They are distinctively inferior to my aryan people. And while there may be some innocence and suffering, their elimination will be a monumental step into the glorious world of tomorrow. It's a very dirty job, but I shall undertake it for the bettering of the world for my people."

Perhaps a concise, even crude summary of Hitler's thought process, but one to consider. Whether it is accurate or not is beyond me, but I personally believe it went something like that.

I just don't think that a human being would be possible of commiting such profoundly terrible acts, unless they had convinced themselves that it was for the best.

I think dismissing Hitler as just a madman is narrow minded and naive. Do I agree with what he did?


But I think that he believed what he did was to be right, because he had rationalized it so.

and I think that's how it is for most people who commit terrible acts.

do you think those terrorists who hijacked those airplanes would have willfully commited suicide unless they were thouroughly convinced it was for the good of their world and their people?

I don't

some food for thought

well, I have to wash this dye out of my hair now

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