Here comes Hurricane Rita...
And my relatives.
Basically my entire extended family live along the gulf coast. My mom
is the most northern living person in my family. Hence, they're all on
their way here right now. They're stuck in the gastronomical traffic
jam however.
It's so daunting to think that basically all of there homes may very
well be destroyed. My grandmother has lived in her house since my
mother was a baby, and I spent a good chunk of my chilhood there. And
now it's likely to be wiped away.
Take a looksee at
this map. Zoom out 4 times.
See Lake Jackon? That's where most of them live.
Well, things are definitly going to be different around here. They'll
be here until the hurricane blows over, and if they're homes are
destroyed, a lot longer.
I'm really glad that they're here though. I'll get to know them a lot
better. But still, it's sure gonna be different...
Blown Away,