The Beginning of the Culmination...

Aug 23, 2005 01:26

Be still my aching temple...

Long time no update eh?

Well ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, the time has come again to begin a fresh new school year!

Thus begins the final chapter in the epic saga of my journey through the Texas Public Education System.

Once again I lug my overburdened backpack through the halls paved in cheap green and white tile day after day, painstakingly trying to absorb the monotone prattle of droning teachers, hurriedly scrambling to complete forgotten homework assignments, and constantly awaiting those exalted 45 minutes I spend with my friends at the fast food restaurant of the day.

All for that coveted and holy piece of legal parchment: The Diploma.

Honestly though, it's not altogether that bad. On the contrary, my senior year looks to be shaping up to be the most enjoyable of the all. My English teacher loves me, Jimmy Matt and I form a mighty class clown triumvirate of goofiness and sarcasm in choir, I'm the only male in the entire dance department (and proud of it!), and the rest of my class load is easy easy.

Oh yeah. It's lookin like a good year.

Feelin Good,
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