[Translation] 五月天 - 后青春期的诗

Jul 25, 2009 21:16

五月天 - 后青春期的诗
Mayday - Poetry After Youth

I know the English title is "Poetry of the Day After" but that's not literal and I don't get why it is.

五月天 - 后青春期的诗
Wuyuetian - Hou Qingchunqi de Shi
Mayday - Poetry After Youth

当烟雾随晨光飘散 枕畔的湖已风乾
dang yanwu sui chenguang piaosan zhenpan de hu yi feng qian
When fog drifts in the morning light the pillowy bank of the lake has already dried
期待已退化成等待 而我告别了突然
qidai yi tuihua cheng dengdai er wo gaobie le turan
Hope lapsed into waiting but I said farewell to the unexpected
dang lei hen goule cheng yihan
When tears trace an outline of regret
huiyi kua shi zhe shanggan
Memory exaggerates sentiment
shi shui biyu shiguang renran
Water flowing is as time slipping by
终於我们不再为了生命狂欢 为爱情狂乱
zhongyu women buzai weile shengming kuanghuan wei aiqing kuangluan
Eventually we will no longer feel excitement for life or frantic for love
然而青春彼岸 盛夏正要一天一天一天的灿烂
raner qingchun bi an shengxia zheng yao yitian yitian yitian de canlan
But youth is on that side and day after day after day midsummer glitters

(阿信: 然后呢 一起走吧)
(Ashin: ranhou ne yiqi zou ba)
(Ashin: What then? Let's go together.)

谁说不能让我此生唯一自传 如同诗一般
shei shuo buneng rang wo ci sheng wei yizichuan rutong shi yiban
Who said I couldn't let my life's sole memoir be as common poetry
无论多远未来 读来依然一字一句一篇都灿烂
wulun duoyuan weilai du lai yiran yizi yiju yipian dou canlan
no matter how far away the future is, I'll still read each stunning word, each sentence, each book
让天空解释着蔚蓝 浮云定义着洁白
rang tiankong jieshi zhe wei lan fuyun dingyi zhe jiebai
Let the sky explain blue and the clouds define white
luohua puchen yipian hongse ditan
On a carpet of fallen red flowers
yingjie women dao weilai
We welcome our future
jing cai wei wan de weilai
The perfectly colored, unfinished future

mayday, translation, 五月天

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