Dear you all,
So Da Sexy WILL BE BACK. It's taking me a long fucking time, but I am working on it. But since I've got like... over 400 doujinshi now, I'm focusing on the scanned section at the moment, since it's the most important section EVAR, so hopefully it'll be up within the next month or by New Year's. And thanks to
anriko whom you should all bow down and worship right now, its new home will be
Poll OMGHENTAI Thank you for participating and here's
Cloud fucking girl!Kadaj:
I still need to scan that book. DX Thanks to
maldaeien for the heads-up that someone scanned AND translated it! Love,
PS: This community now has tags!!11 Not many, though, and I'm too lazy to think of other ones so tell me what to add kthx.