Tickets for Garden Party now available!
You may now purchase tickets for the Edward Gorey Garden Party! We are going to try to keep things as straightforward as possible.
Payment is preferred via paypal or by check. Once we receive payment, we will place your name on a Will Call List. Please provide your full name and if you have any as yet un-named guests, please signify how many guests you are buying a ticket for (eg, +1, +2, etc). The more names listed, the better, though.
Bring your ID the night of the party to have checked against the guest list and you're in!
Tickets are $15 in advance, $18 at the door. Capacity for the party is approximately 150 and we already have over 300 myspace friends! You do the math! Early payment/ sign up is stronly encouraged.
Paypal payment to:
Mail checks to: James Strayer, 1132 NE Going St, Portland Or, 97211 and make them out to "Widow's Walk Lake LLC"