I'm tired and lovesick for my son.
In between shifts at the Panty Shanty I've been working on both covert and overt ops.
Falling within the latter:
- incorporating crafts and love and plants and raptors into my time with Graham
- learning everything there is to know about makeup and fragrance to give myself an edge at work
- replicating couture accessories for $10 and under, especially those with silk flowers
As far as the former, I will say only that it involves boobs.
And my bank account is just barely out of the red, the instrument panel on my car is flashing orange in a number of areas, and I have been denied health insurance but despite those things I am enjoying Life in General as best I can with help from:
- Best American Nonrequired Reading books, which can typically be found for less than $5 in the Anthology section of Half Price Books
- Any number of Douglas Coupland novels (except for Microserfs which I cannot make myself read)
- watching La Vie en Rose and trying to sneak more subtle French details into my days
- eyeshadow artistry
- regularly demonstrating kindness to others, as recommended by the Don't Sweat the Small Stuff book which randomly appeared in the bathroom one day
As well as:
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(Don't I feel awful, though, for liking that Jason Derulo song solely on account of the sampling from this song? Poor Imogen went uncredited in my head until only last week!)
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