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Jul 19, 2004 18:58

This past weekend was probably the most fun ive had in a long time. It was my family reunion and lets just say that everyone was like 5 sheets to the wind lol... it was so much fun, we got there on friday afternoon and we all went out to dinner where we all caught up and stuff, i met up with cousins that i havent seen in like 5 years and met new ones so it was really cool. Then on saturday morning i woke up at 7:35(!) because i wanted to go on the tour of the Saratoga Race Track, that was cool because we saw like where the races were and like horses warming up. Then we went back to my hotel and hung out went shopping and swimming. That night my brothers band came up and like played for us and i got to sing my favorite song with them,the weight- the band, it was amazing! I had so much fun. you get like this amazing rush while your up there with like a really good band and like everyone is cheering lol... then we sang American Pie and This Love and it was awwweessooommee! lol anyone whos reading this is like i dont give but i had fun lol.. im leaving for a month next monday so i highly doubt that i will be updating but maybe i will.. have a good rest of the summer everyone!
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