I sorta love you... In a way that makes me hate you!

Oct 24, 2007 22:08

So this has got to be one of the wierdest weeks on record so far...

First the fires...

Christ, not to sound like Chandler but, could there be anymore fires? Seriously? My mom got stuck at her work for two days because the 15 freeway had been closed because of the fires, and there is a huge one over in Temecula right now, and all the smoke is coming over here... Its making it very difficult to breathe, which makes things all the more difficult... I can't believe that someone would set these things. It kind of disturbs me to think that there are people among us who think that setting a fire and destroying someones home and all of there property is cool... What is wrong with you? People like that need serious mental help...

And on another more intereting/wierd note...

I had two incredible wierd interrealated dreams last night, both involving me getting married. It was wierd. The first one had me in a black lace dress (I know black, but its supposed to be slimming right?) getting married to some guy that I dont know. And apparently I had a problem with the shoes... the second one had me getting married to a guy a do know (whos name shall remain unknown) but he was drunk and knocked everything over so I ran out on him...

What the hell does that mean? Well... All I can say is that it can't be good right?

My mind comes up with some wierd shit...

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