I have sooooo much to say, I hope I dont run out of room.

Nov 04, 2004 00:30

Well, it's been a long time. Normally I wouldn't have the time to write, or wouldn't have anything to say. But this entry is different. I have nothing but free time, and tons to say. I don't know where to begin.

Well... to start with... school sucks! I hate it with a passion. I know I need the diploma to get the money and the good job.... but I'm starting to think it's not worth it. I don't really like any of my classes. I hate doing the work, the studying, the waking up to go to class. I just don't know anymore.

I am being kicked out of my sorority for a bull shit reason! The god damn alumni, who have no idea what I am like, what this house means to me, and how much I mean to it. All they care about is that the house looks good, with a good GPA. Which is dumb..... cus I was getting good grades this semester! So I could have helped the GPA! Do they care that they are stripping one of the only things that keeps me here away from me? Hell no! Why would they care. It's not about the individual..... it's about the house as a whole. Well fuck that! Fuck them! (sorry... I'm a little emotional over it still) I have to move out at semester... and I'm not sure when I am supposed to become inactive. I'm trying to put that off for a while. I'll keep you updated though.

My car, which I could never sell, is a piece of crap. I was stranded 3 times because my clutch kept breaking/ falling apart. Finally after that was fixed, I was stranded a 4th time for some reason still unknown. (this is all in a row.... the last four times I tried to drive home) So this last time was on Friday... and I have come to the conclusion that I am better off just replacing the motor. So now I am trying to get yet another loan so that way I can finish paying off my house bill (so I have a place to live) and to pay to fix my car. Then I will buy parts to fix my car, totalling around $1,200, or more. And I'm sure get to help build it and put it in.... which sounds fun... but not all at the same time.

Shit hit the fan with Tim and I a while back when I was dumb enough to cheat on him with some guy that I thought liked me. HA! Well... of course Tim was mad. We went on a break... and I wasn't happy. So went Tim and I were going to be offically over... we both decided that we couldn't let go. We both felt incomplete without each other. So we got back together... and things have been great. Other then a few rocky points here and there... I am very happy... and I think he is too.

I have put together a magazine like GOOSE, so if you want a copy... send some money to 2239 Knapp Street Ames Iowa 50014. I'll print a copy and send it to you. (Lindsay yours will be sent shortly)

Other then that, I am happy with BUSH WINNING!!!!! I love Bush!!! WOO HOO!!! If you want to talk... im me (cylady2007-AIM) call me (515-577-5947) email me (jenng@iastate.edu) or mail me (the address is above).

Hope you enjoyed this update!

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