TheOtherFaris (10:01:58 PM): gah gah
TheOtherFaris (10:02:00 PM): goo goo
TheOtherFaris (10:02:05 PM): ::gurgle::
TheOtherFaris (10:02:10 PM): MAMA!
nj2andrews (10:02:15 PM): bortt bortt
nj2andrews (10:02:16 PM): HAHAHAH
nj2andrews (10:02:48 PM): my computer just squeaked at me
nj2andrews (10:02:50 PM): curious
nj2andrews (10:02:51 PM): too curiously
nj2andrews (10:05:09 PM): don't make me go schostakovich on your ass
TheOtherFaris (10:05:54 PM): you are just asking for a rachmaninoff slap
nj2andrews (10:06:29 PM): EGADS!
nj2andrews (10:06:33 PM): i mean
nj2andrews (10:06:51 PM): i mean
nj2andrews (10:06:58 PM): a scurrying mouse
TheOtherFaris (10:07:10 PM): kirchenmouse?
TheOtherFaris (10:07:16 PM): or however you spell it?
nj2andrews (10:07:20 PM): a scurrying mice
nj2andrews (10:07:22 PM): a scurrying mouse
nj2andrews (10:11:05 PM): kirchenmaus is perfect!
nj2andrews (10:11:09 PM): and he can be a kreischnudel
nj2andrews (10:11:11 PM): and scream a lot!
TheOtherFaris (10:11:32 PM):
nj2andrews (10:12:21 PM): LA LA LA LA LA LA
nj2andrews (10:12:26 PM): my head
nj2andrews (10:12:32 PM): is spinning round
TheOtherFaris (10:13:03 PM): and my heart
TheOtherFaris (10:13:05 PM): is in my shoes
TheOtherFaris (10:13:07 PM): BITCHES
nj2andrews (10:14:20 PM): yeah
nj2andrews (10:14:49 PM): B-B-B BITCHES
nj2andrews (10:16:02 PM): too much recording makes my brain go WHOOSH!
nj2andrews (10:16:02 PM): trapezoidally
nj2andrews (10:16:10 PM): FRUSTUM!
TheOtherFaris (10:16:23 PM): Anaximander is my homeboy
nj2andrews (10:16:38 PM): huzzah
nj2andrews (10:17:03 PM): do you ever feel like you're being attacked by geometric pornographers?
TheOtherFaris (10:17:10 PM): every day
TheOtherFaris (10:17:22 PM): except sometimes they're algebraic
nj2andrews (10:17:23 PM): school is like geometric pornography
TheOtherFaris (10:17:26 PM): and thats even more terrifying
nj2andrews (10:17:30 PM): ah
nj2andrews (10:17:42 PM): 'get your formulas away from me!'
nj2andrews (10:17:51 PM): TRAIPSE!
TheOtherFaris (10:17:52 PM): BBBBBITCHES
nj2andrews (10:17:56 PM): i feel like traipsing
nj2andrews (10:18:01 PM): through daisies
TheOtherFaris (10:18:03 PM): ESPIART!
nj2andrews (10:18:10 PM): except traipsing seems like a dirty word
TheOtherFaris (10:18:20 PM): oooo, you slut..traipse me again1
TheOtherFaris (10:18:26 PM): ...sorry
nj2andrews (10:18:27 PM): HAHHAHAH
nj2andrews (10:18:33 PM): calculus is the sluttiest thing ever
nj2andrews (10:18:36 PM): it's forgiven
TheOtherFaris (10:18:41 PM): I DIDNT ASK YOU
nj2andrews (10:18:47 PM): it's just like 'INTEGRATE THIS! BITCHES!'
nj2andrews (10:18:50 PM): i mean it's not forgiven
TheOtherFaris (10:18:50 PM): SIR TRAIPSEALOT
nj2andrews (10:18:57 PM): i algebraically abstain
nj2andrews (10:19:02 PM): hahahah
nj2andrews (10:19:19 PM): woah i just noticed that you wrote traipse backwards
nj2andrews (10:19:23 PM): i saw it forwards
TheOtherFaris (10:19:26 PM): uh...yeah
TheOtherFaris (10:19:26 PM): haha
TheOtherFaris (10:19:28 PM): AHAHAAHH@
L$Ec k$@kg
TheOtherFaris (10:19:28 PM): re[yi
TheOtherFaris (10:19:29 PM): ]5jh t3
nj2andrews (10:19:29 PM): then i was like esiopnage?
TheOtherFaris (10:19:31 PM): ejg jh}Rkhg}R kg }Tkh }#_
nj2andrews (10:19:32 PM): espionage?
nj2andrews (10:19:35 PM): WOOT!sw!g
TheOtherFaris (10:19:44 PM): eganoipse
TheOtherFaris (10:19:48 PM): haha
TheOtherFaris (10:19:49 PM): AAHAH!
TheOtherFaris (10:19:54 PM): EGANOIPSE
nj2andrews (10:19:55 PM): piano geese!
TheOtherFaris (10:20:05 PM): eseege onaip
nj2andrews (10:20:10 PM): it's nearly an anagram for piano geese
nj2andrews (10:20:36 PM): du bist 'ne piano geese!
nj2andrews (10:20:38 PM): Piano geese?
nj2andrews (10:20:43 PM): piano geese!
nj2andrews (10:20:49 PM): du bist ein BITCHES!
TheOtherFaris (10:20:52 PM): eseeg onaip rof margana na ylraen s'ti
nj2andrews (10:20:53 PM): BITCHES?
nj2andrews (10:20:54 PM): JA!
TheOtherFaris (10:21:07 PM): that really looks like another language
nj2andrews (10:21:13 PM): your FACE is nearly an anagram for piano geese
nj2andrews (10:21:14 PM): it does
nj2andrews (10:21:19 PM): it's helped by the vowels
nj2andrews (10:21:26 PM): mmm.....juicy vowels
TheOtherFaris (10:21:32 PM): like BITCHES
nj2andrews (10:21:39 PM): SEHCTIB
TheOtherFaris (10:21:43 PM): SEHCTIB ekil
TheOtherFaris (10:21:51 PM): that's right
TheOtherFaris (10:22:35 PM): ti fo gnah eht evah ouy kniht I
nj2andrews (10:22:36 PM): i must be off to beds
nj2andrews (10:22:37 PM): BITCHES!
TheOtherFaris (10:22:53 PM): goodnight traipsey baby
nj2andrews (10:22:58 PM): hahahahah
Or not...