Aug 07, 2005 21:44
well I saw sky high tonight with my mom --- compliments of carmike cinemas!!
Anyways I loved it... that's right I did!
Alright well during the previews I saw the new HP movie preview!!! Ummm.... yeah let's just say that Daniel Radcliff and I are meant to be. I'm sorry I can't help it, I loved the last book and am in love with him. he just keeps looking better and better to me. I had a quite vivid daydream sequence in which I went to london, of course, and happen to meet him and we hit it off fabulously! Now yes I know your thinking how dorky I am but oh well. I'm proud of my two main topics for this post.
and yes... other than that... tonight is ridiculously LAAAME! Although I'm in a great mood... but the fact that I can't be with Mr. Radcliff right now, is quite upsetting!
shhhh! don't act like you think I'm being silly because I know you love me!!