Jul 01, 2005 01:46
.... Really Sucks!!!
Soo, Last night and today all together basically has been not so great. Last night I heard something fabulous that kept me happy all night long ::complete and utter sarcasm:: . Chris is a great guy though, he's definitely there when I need someone to talk to. No not that I don't have other friends that are for me, it's just he seems to understand me better than anyone else. Usually just by small things I do he'll be able to figure out the jist* of what's bothering me. I can't express how happy I am to have my best friend back again!
Jake helped brighten my day today as well, I don't know... I guess by just being jake. Oh and the fact that we actually semi-hung out, which we never do.
hmmmm so basically today just wasn't my day. Nothing big happened really it's just that I've had about 3 to 4 people upset with me in some shape or form. Which I gotta say isn't too much fun. I never meant to do anything though.
I'm in a really lonely mood, and I it. blah blah blah you might say or maybe your thinking oh gosh what an emo post - well get over it.
I'm sure tomorrow will be better it's just that I can feel myself going into a "hermit-type" mode right now and I just can't let myself. I want to go out and have fun... only thing is that no one ever wants to do anything until it's night-time, not with me anyways, apparently I'm the person people will get a hold of at night - but never any other times.
Everyone always goes out or I don't know just does stuff during the day... this really sucks.
I'm sure I'll regret this gay ass post tomorrow but screw that! This is how I feel tonight, and it's a very edited version of how I feel so it'll do.