Copied this from Kimmis...

Jun 25, 2006 15:21

This is my Best Friend, Tillie Sue Priebe.
She has something called Guillain-Barre Syndrome.
She can't move her legs or her face and she can barely move her arms.
She's stuck in a crummy CCU room @ Hackley Hospital while all of us get to sleep in our own beds every night.
She can't really do anything for herself so she's hooked up to all kinds of tubes and machines to do it for her.
She's rapidly losing weight because she can't eat or drink and she has to take pain medicine everyday.

I don't think a lot of you realize how serious this is.
I don't think it has hit a lot of you.
It didn't hit me until a few days ago when I saw her in the hospital for the first time hooked up to
all of those tubes and machines.
I think about her non-stop and I am constantly praying for her.
My heart breaks for her and I won't be happy until she's better.

I don't say any of this to make you all feel like crap or to bring you down.
I just want you all to know that this illness she has is serious.
And she has a pretty serious case.
She can't even smile.... It's Tillie... and she can't smile.
It could take her months to get better... and even then she still may never have 100% of her strength back.

But there is good news:
My God is bigger than the plans satan has for Tillie.
My God can not only heal her body, but mount her on eagles wings and give her
more strength than she's ever had before!
My God can bring her smile back.
My God can make her jump, dance, and shout praises of worship.
My God can restore her soul and lift her spirits.
My God can use us... simple little human beings... to bless Tillie & her family.

God is good, amen?!

We're having a benefit for Tillie on Sunday, July 23rd.
We need ALL the help we can get.
If you can get donations of any kind for food, beverage, supplies, etc.
Or even just a cash donation to put towards the supplies or to go directly to Tillie...
We need you... all of you.
I want this to be huge.
I want people all over to come, even if they don't know Tillie.
I just want her to be blessed.

email me at
Or message me on my myspace: 
Or leave me a comment on here. <3

For more information on GBS, go to these websites:
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