Jan 01, 2005 00:43
yesterday was actually a REALLY good day. the first one in awhile. I had soccer, the gym part of it was boring until I started power walking on the treadmills to get back in shape for the TOHS hallways. then we had to jump all of these fences to get into the school stadium because our coach forgot her keys. that was funny... especially watching everyone climb the fences. plus finally playing was good and it gave me a way to vent all of my emotions and what not. then climbing back over and taking pictures of the other people was really fun too.
after that... i hung out with erin and we went to starbucks and sat in the back of the her car and took THE BEST PICTURES EVER with our new phones. haha! then we saw the phantom of the opera and erin say along with the whole movie. It was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AMAZING! I am going to go see it again really soon too and i am really excited! that is how good it is.
then today... or yesterday i guess... new years eve... whatever. Pretty much... did some shopping and finally bought some new pants. Then i went to dinner with my family and came home. at 9 30 ish i went to Jack's party which was interesting and i ended up leaving with amanda and kyle and went to David Stewart's house... which was awkward. So i left after like 5 minutes and went home. So pretty much i sat in my room until midnite, came downstairs, popped some poppers with the fam, went in the spa alone, and now i am here. Kind of my suckiest new years ever. oh well....
So this is the new year.
And i don't feel any different.
The clanking of crystal
Explosions off in the distance
So this is the new year
And I have no resolutions
For selfl assigned penance
For problems with easy solutions