Jul 25, 2005 21:27
ok so i need to tell my story to the world. it was great, it really was.
So i was running on the beach last thursday, bc its great for your legs, and i had my iPod blaring in my ears so i didnt notice someone was coming up behind me. as they passed, i realized it was a guy, who had a very nice physique, and me being me, i couldnt help but stare at his extremely toned ass bc it was there right in front of me. So then the guy turns around an smiles at me, and then starts like sprinting, so i decided to catch up to him, but it was really hard bc he was sprinting the entire way. so i finally caught up and decided to pass him, but not before giving him a quick wink. then i realized i couldnt slow down bc now he was behind me, so i knew id be getting a good workout. anyways, "runner boy" finally caught up with me and we contintued to run in silence. during this time, i noticed that he was a lifeguard (he had on the blue and yellow shorts) and that he bore a striking resemblance to jim morrison <3, only tanner and with green eyes. then, when he finally spoke he told me his name was, ironically, jim. seriously, how weird is that? so we were talking and stuff, share common intrests, share the same love of the doors and his favorite is also "Love Me Two Times". hes 17 and goregeous, and ive gone running with him 3 more times since then. i'll keep you updated...