Echhh I feel like I've been out drinking. Headache... nausea... a bit dizzy. But nope, just concerting, completely sober.
Summary of night:
• Fucker refuses to let me in because I don't have photo ID (lost wallet) but I DO have a birth certificate bearing the same name as on my ticket, AND c'mon, there's no way I look under 18, right?
• then
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Other wisdoms from her:
• (To the lead singer of the Jezabels right after they came on stage) "You have a nice ass!"
• *asks friend what An Horse singer/guitarist's name is* "I LOVE YOU KATE"
• (About 5 different times) "TEGAN YOU"RE AMAZING"
Even her friends seemed to be a bit embarassed about her at times, I think she may have ADHD or something, but c'mon that' just bad concert etiquette. Especially the hogging of too much personal space.
AND, then ANOTHER one (not quite as bad, just a bit pushy) came into our area just before T&S came on.
On the other hand there were some nice people, I made pals with a few girls around me and there was this one person, from the group of girls just behind you, who kept letting us go in front, even though they were not really any taller than us, how sweet.
Oh also that bitch who shove her way during the encore. Wtf was she thinking? I thought the girl behind me was going to pushed me off the barrier.
and chan goes in a deadpan voice..oh no i didnt
i thought it was funny
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