Going Ape

May 21, 2013 12:22

Last night, I was watching Going Ape on the National Geographic Channel.
They were going over how apes, chimpanzees and Bonobos interact socially.

In particular, the behavior of alpha males, subordinates, attraction, affection, dominance, and social hierarchy.
Aggression, posturing, size perception, grooming, control of space and food, tantrums, strut, bowling subordinates, gazing, noise and volume, lower tones, touch,
Scent, blush, sharing of food and space, visible "inflation package", protection.

the funny thing about all this is that Humans still do these things. STILL. So how "high" do you feel on the evolutionary ladder?
The show showed how people Still react without thinking to these cues when put into a social situation. It's very much automatic reactions.

At the present time and space, this IS what humans are and this IS exactly how far we've come.
I've noticed that I do have some dominant behaviors, but also some subordinant ones.
I remember a few people that I unintentionally dominated. and there are plenty of times that I will give in to someone else.

I do NOT, however, appreciate Gorillas in my midst. if a person is just going apeshit because they think they aught to be in charge, but they haven't shown any ability, I will not respect them or follow them.

I want my humans (friends) less ape and more evolved.

(It's also funny to watch groups of people. You can SEE the Ape playing out)


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