Dec 29, 2012 17:40
Have you ever looked at How a commercial is trying to sell you a product?
Is that contrary or irrelevant to what the product does?
Or have anything to do with it?
What does an employer look for in an employee? What are employees told will give them raises? What actually gives raises?
Advertising sells by creating something that the product is not.
Hell, what do women look for in a man? granted, For What Purpose?
Often i hear, Aggressive, mysterious, athletic, interesting...
What if he turns this aggression and mysteriousness on You?
"I don't know who he is, he keeps secrets, plays around, and threatens me."
Isn't that what is asked for?
Job wise, self motivators, innovators, aggressive doers are also the rule breakers, assholy people that are likely to do things you don't want them to.
So which do you want?
Commercials show this slowed down food making that makes it enticing.
Have you ever seen how food is made in a restaurant?
It's not a slow hand. If I were to do that at my work, I'd get yelled at.
At motorola, I was told the areas I had to work on personally.
It boiled down to proper communication with coworkers.
Another employee was really crappy at it, she was abrasiveness, condescending, and tended to not feel you were worth talking to.
BUT, she had good numbers on the product. Guess who got the better raise?
So, was what they told me a lie?
The government seems to think that in order for the country to prosper, power must be given to the corporations and thereafter; the people.
Yet, is that working or is it further separating people and dis empowering them?
What message is being sent?