Thoughts on the recent shooting:

Jan 09, 2011 11:43

Collected from different places I post at:
1. The News. I believe Reuters gives better news than places like Fox news or other pseudo news places.

2. Yes, I am sad that this happens. I hope she pulls through and comes back to go on to champion issues in the senate.

3. I have other thoughts about our society.
Logical progression stemming from a psychological base.
Someone asked me why someone would do such a thing.
I replied:
I actually believe taht people are starting to hit the tipping point of frustration with the political system.
The frustration that people are not getting what they are promised, life is not improving, and the process is making it worse.
This often results in violence.
Expect to see more of this if I am correct.
Revolution much?

4. A friend asked if things like this could be prevented.
Yes, but it involves retraining society.
Violent, first person shooting games, rewarding bad behavior, glorifying ill behavior. these are what leads people to thinking that this sort of behavior is acceptable.

5. Someone asked that the fall out of this situation could be:
Since the News has pulled up Palin's Target picture and Gifford's reply that such things may incite repercussions, I see that politicians will use this as an excuse to censor the internet.
Their reasons will use the old example of free speech, you can't yell "fire" in a crowded movie theater.
Like wise, you will no longer be able to tell people that they should be shot on the internet.
I see a new federal internet security department.
and someone else mentioned:
Reagan and Brady got shot, and we got slapped with the Brady Bill. I guaruntee this is going to cause even more infringements on our 2nd Amendment rights.

6. What's Sarah's most famous catch phrase they love so much? "Don't retreat, RELOAD".
Unacceptable behavior.

7. Some one said, "You know damn well the Tea Party has nothing about this kind of dumb shit anywhere in it's platform. Go piss up a rope."
To which, I snidely replied:
Sure. I saw "sabotage" and "disinformation" in there.
Right next to the pic captioned, "I lie about shit", and "the Tea Party was taken over so that we, the rich, could take away the power of people's free thought and give it to us by proxy"
and " No Free Thought, You Will OBEY."
Every platform by any party sure states these things because it attracts so many followers and doesn't give away strategy.

That's what I have to say about that.
If you want the place where a bunch of people are discussing it, there are Lefties, Righties, idiots, trolls, intelligent people and well, every kind of person, I'll give you a link to that.


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