Dec 31, 2003 14:19
1.Start to form a more positive attitude towards negative sitiuations
2.Like some one new
3.Learn to controll my temper
4.Try 2 shut up more in class
5.Do my homework, faster
6.Get the graades i need 2 get into what ever i want 2
7.Get to know my friends more
8.Learn how to do things on comp other than aim, livejournal, imchaos, microsoft words,and internet
9.Get along with siblings
10.Convince other ppl 2 get a live journal account
11.Go shooping soon, 4 all the needed nessecities
12.Get a new hair due
13.Learn how 2 use the cd burner
14.Help clean my room
15. Love Sarah more than you already do <3
If you have any resolutions that u think i might need 2 put here, tell me