A perfect day isnt perfect until i see your perfect face

Nov 14, 2004 20:22

i havent updated in such a damn long time its actually quite funny. Me sad kuz we cant go 2 fort dix kuz they dont have a place for us to sleep and stay, that majorly sucks, kuz i was hoping it could get me out of some pointless parties where all i do is play with my neice and think of a solid excuse 2 get the hell out of there A.S.A.P. Most of my weekends are spent in school (pathetic eh?), think again my love, we get to work some, hang out and fool around more, plus reduces time with family (big plus), i got some money 2day but along with that came a shit lot of cleaning and a bunch of bull crap from my aunts and uncles about how i should cherish the money and spend it wisely. I actually paid attention 2 that and then drained it all out, which is what i normally do in school. R.O.T.C. is ggetting kinda booring now 2 me, its all the same, wake up, go 2 block zero either learn, sit, or dril.. im all for that but then again i loose an extra hour of sleep. All my classes are ok, but there are a couple that i really dislike, and they are the following: art, health,math,and vocal music, Bio is acceptionally ok, because she gives us some socializing time, and then the other 3 classes are ones tht im really good in, and the only 3 that i voluntarily participte in. I realized tht i shoudl of taken advantage of the good weather and gone to the park, its 2 cold no, but out of no where somtimes i get sudden urges 2 just go 2 the park, go ffigue?. Me sad kuz fani mad at me, and tht not godd 2 any extent, i kinda realize tht im never home,but its not like im gonna try 2 b, infact im thinking of joining student counncil. Im thinking of extra curicular activities this year and the next, and then mabey a sport for my junior and senior year. I've noticed tht im an o.k friend, im not evil but i am abusivve, thts y this week im gonna try my ultimate best not 2 hit any one wat so ever. another goal i have is to get some one 2 kiss my shoes, but im thiking of dropping it kuz its kinda retarted, if i were someone else i wouldnt wanna kiss shoes. I'll think of somthing and if i dont then its left up fate. I wanna have an army of bitches b4 freshman year ends, but 2 clear it up my btiches r the only ones tht i dont hit dondonthh hit, im actually hit, well tootles people. i love you and especially me
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