Apr 30, 2004 21:17
on wednesday i went 2 ferris h.s. with fanni, we saw darryl, latrice and jhon there 2. It was quiet fun, first they told us 2 enter in2 the caffeteria for refreshments.Then they put us in2 the auditoriom which was awfully big and very prett, beside the ppl in ferris it is a fairly good school. They had a flag presentation by ferris with a bunch of flags and stuff. Then McNair did a R.O.T.C. presentation one with guns and one makuing a beat and musick using their hands and their body. (by the way, after june my mascot will b a cougar, but as of now it is a bulldog.) After tht some girl did the pledge of alligence, and sang the star spangled banner. After tht these girls went up 2 dance, but 2 me they sucked kuz they kept on messing up, and stuff. After tht they had Dr. Charels T. Epps Jr. (distric super intendent in jersey city. Just like bush is the preseident of the countr, all of the jersey city schools are like a country and he is the president of them. Then they sent different schools 2 different rooms, they sent the ppl tht got in2 the acedemic program at dickinson in2 the library, we remained us in the auditoriom but they asked us all 2 move up. and the funny part was tht the part with the broken seats was given 2 dickinson. We then watched a film which gave us a virtual tour of McNair and introduced us 2 our teachers and the programs and stuff. Then they had some speakers come up and one dude told us tht weare undeveloped, dark, we dont know our selfs, stuuf like tht. then they wwere selling shirts with mcnair and a cougar on it but it was for 10$$ so i told ammi tht i didnt want it kuz she nneeds 2 give me money 4 other stuff so 2 b considerate i said no. Then they told us 2 go 2 different corners where they had envelopes whicchi contains calcualtor, shirt, and a calender.Then they told us 2 sign up 4 activities, and i signed up 4 R.O.T.C,soccer, and softball, and i plan on siging up 4 tennis, i wanna get as much credits as possible. the more credits the better my chance of getitng in2 a good high school. Then we left wth fani and darryl and his mom,and me and fani were making fun of hima nd eachothers, how we would look doing the things we signed up4.Then we went home, and fani went home and i did homework, showered, and went 2 sleep.
Thursday: We didnt switch bekuz of something about shirts, so it was like a free day, but sadly we switched in the afternoon although all we did were questions.
Friday: this was a fun day,Ms.G and Mrs.Dortrait took the yearbook staff 2 a restauraunt 2 treat us 4 a job well done. I sat is Mrs.G's car with fani, latrice,amanda,and stephany, the others went with mrs.dortrait.On our way there we sang songs and waved at ppl tht were staring at us. When we got there we all acted sophisticated but then let loose when ppl were telling jokes,past experiences. stuff like tht. then fani and stephany decided 2 put stuff in amanda's soda, so they put olive oil. and salt and pepper, and becasuse water and oil dont mix the oil went straight 2 the top.and so she noticed it but then we mixed more stuff such as garlic powder and butter in it, and then they dared fani,stephany and geo 2 drink it which they actually did.Then ms.g asked geo what the boys bathroom looks like bekuz she thought tht a girl would answer it, which did happen. so then when she went 2 drain out tht glass full of everything we could fing on the table tht we out in the thing tht they drunk, and when she came out like 6 of us were standing outside and when she passed by the boys bathroom we shoved her in2 it. lol. then we left a lil while after tht and we went back, and on the way we sang songs and moved around and waved and stuff but 2 some of mrs.g's fave songs, then we got home, btw, 4 mothers day i bought ammi a long velvet rose, and a real soft teddy bear tht says I LOVE YOU MOM.
interesting and upcoming days:
May 5- pictures outside on the front steps of all the 8 graders
May 6- individual pictuers where they madde stickers out of it, and key chains and stuff.
June 11- hopefully the dude tht is incharge of feild trips approves of us going 2 Sandy Hook 2 hang out with frienda and stuff.
June 15- the school is going 2 take us 2 a place caled THE CASINO IN THE PARK located in lincoln park 4 a graduation luncheon.
June 25- last day of school, graduation day.
and the most importand day of this year
May 19- My birthday, im a b 14, yay