so these are the wonderful plans for this weekend and what happened today...
today (friday) i had 2 tests in school, one that wasn't hard at all which was accounting, and the other which was extremely hard which was psychology... then after school i went with my mother to pick up my cousins from their school and dropped them off with my aunt...
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chelsea kay millikan is writing to inform you or her profound love and adoration of you. she has not spoken with you since sunday via text messaging and hopes you are well. she is also very sorry about your grandmother and wishes to send her conseltations, she regrets not making sure you were ok on saturday, she did not want to upset you and wished to let your emotions settle and what not, she is sorry though and would like to inform you of her open ears at anytime if you need to talk or what not. she would also like to tell you that she had a awsome amount of fun on saturday getting to hang out with you and hopes to do this again soon. she is also VERY excited about homecoming and would like to inform you of this new development in the homecoming department, she has found a date or well they have found her. she has erased the possibility of possible akwardness of dinner dating with and odd number. she is now attending the homecoming with Kyle dempster who has asked her to grace his presece ot the dance and dinner with him. she does not like kyle like "that" and hopes that they will be attending as friends only, either way this has eliminated akwardness. to forwarn rebecca chelsea would like to mention that kyle dempster is not the most cute person, he almost resmebles a rat or some other type of rodent although she and joshua walker are sure it is a rat. just so you know. she will be attendong wiht him though because he is a nice guy and they are good friends, he helped her pass math last year so hes got to be a good guy. well dear rebecca chelsea sends her best and would like u to please feel free to contact her anytime necessary because she would love to speak with you she will most likley be calling youb though very soon as soon as she can, she must go complete her homework and then shes off to lip sync she will contact u though! goodbye!
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