I went to the houses that i grew up in. man those were the days.
This was the only 2 story house I ever lived in.... and it ruled. Carrie and I used to have so much fun in this house.
This house we got from parents of a friend of carrie and i's. It was sweet We iced the drive way one winter and slid around on skate decks and just our shoes. this is where I started getting really into skateboarding.
This was the one that I remember most. My cat thunder(may he rest in peace, even though he eat my newt.) died here. My dog ginger was born here best dog EVER. worst and best days of my young life.
This is where carrie and I used to hit golf balls over the house and where I cracked my head open skating. It was the coolest house we had a pool with a diving board it was 4 bedrooms(this was the biggest house we had ever had).... it was the shit. This is were I first used the internet. How funny is that it was only AOL or nothing then at least from what I knew back then.
As much as I hate this town I miss it. but I could never get what I have in santa cruz, in methdesto. Beside the fact that all of the cool things that happened were all things that happened because of my sisters or just growing up. I miss home rite now.
I am feeling a little better today I think I need to come home.
Goodnight my great friends