bored right before work

Aug 05, 2005 13:51

101 things about me

1. Time you started this post: 1:51 PM
2. Name: Alex
3. Nicknames: Monkey
4. Height: 5'7"
5. Pets: cat and a dog
6. Favorite Color:blue or black
7. Grade: soon to be freshman in college
8. Gender: male
9. Birthday: October 10th
10. Zodiac Sign: Libra
11. Location: Rochester, Ny
12. Birthplace: Roch
13. Hair Color: brown
14. Eye Color: green
15. Siblings: one of each

16. Are you in love: nope
17. Are you more interested in guys or girls: guys
18. Who Sent this to you: some person
19. Do you have a crush: undecided
20. Do you have a boyfriend: nope...and it seems I never will
21. What age would you go back to: i don't wanna go back
22. Memory you miss: I will probably miss this whole summer
23. Memory you would like to forget: none
24. What band rocks? Brand New
25. Last person you talked to on the phone: Lauren
26. Last thing you said: ok

27. Food: pasta
28. Sport: kayaking and skiing
29. Radio Station: none
30. Car: volvo
31. CD: ummm.....give up
32. Thing to eat for lunch: anything
33. Day(s) of the Week: Saturday
34. Month(s): OCtober and November
35. Favorite Number: 9
36. Holiday: Holloween
37. Cookie: oreo or basic chocolate chip
38. Favorite Drink: water or coffee or any alcoholic beverage
39. Alcoholic Drinks: 007
40. Candy Bar: milky way?
41. Channel: ummm...i don't really watch too much TV
42. Movie: Donnie Darko
43. Vacation Spot: Europe
44. Best Girl Friend: kathryn
45. Best Guy friend: jason

huh where did 46 and 47 go?

48. Best at keeping Secrets: kathryn
49. Smartest: lily
50. Sweetest: kara
51. Weirdest: cea
52. Funn2iest: jason
53. Most annoying: none
54. craziest: nikki
55. Most adventurous: nikki and jason most def

56. Aliens: maybe
57. Angels: meh
58. Heaven: not sure
59. Hell: refer to 58
60. Yourself: yeah...most of the time

61. Been on a plane: yes
62. Cried in public: yes
63. Climbed a tree: yes
64. Ate a worm: nope
65. Gone Bungee Jumping: nope
66. Met a Celebrity: nope
67. Met the President: no and I would not want to meet the current president
68. Ran Away from home: nope, but wanted to sooo many times
69. New Year's Eve celebration: yup
70. Spent more than an hour talking on Aim aol msn yahoo: sadly, yes

71. Carson Daly: some guy on TV
72. Bill Clinton: past President..wrote "my life"
73. pops: my grandpa
74. Love: happiness
75. whipped cream: sex
76. who: huh?
77. girls: ummm...nothing really

78. 2 door/4 door: 4 door
79. dog/cat: dogs
80. blue/purple: blue
81. chocolate/vanilla: vanilla
82. pen/pencil: pencil

83. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: nope, but sometimes i hug my pillow cuz I just like to be holding something when I sleep
84. If so, what's their name: pillow...just pillow
85. What is your favorite game: hide and seek
86. Have you ever wanted someone so bad that u would do anything for them?: nope
87. Do you like this survey: whatever
88. One pillow or two: two
89. Do you make your bed every morning: nope
90. How long are you in the shower: 10-15 minutes
91. How do you eat a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup: i put it in my mouth
94. Who are you going to marry: only if the law changes
95. Who will reply back first: no one...
96. How do you go down the stairs: sometimes I walk...sometimes I fall...
97. Who's your all-time favorite teacher: Miss. Williams
98. Favorite school subjects: Italian
99. What bugs you the most: hypocracy and judgement
100. Own your own computer: yes
101. What time did you finish this: to work
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