This is such a bitchin' song idek what else to say. Also
this one. And basically everything else by this person ever.
I have no idea why I never raided the MSPA fan music thread until now, what is wrong with me.
and speaking of MSPA, Homestuck cast at facility = most amazing shit I have ever seen omg we are taking over. Deuce is adorable. Sasha Nein is now Lord English. Karkat is going to literally explode in less than two weeks, then Jack Noir is going to blow up Venice. That is all there really is to say on the matter.
Killing time before work herp derp. So much working lately it is ridic. It's like I asked for part time and they give me 30+ hours a week, and that's when I don't get any bullshit eight-hour shifts which is often. hat my liv so much urrgh.
Also, pokemans.