...And All the Books Cried Black, Salty Tears...

Jun 29, 2013 10:09

I haven't really felt like doing much creativity-wise. It's awful, but for a bit I just didn't want to.

I decided to look up more information on P2P (Pull to Publishing) because I find the whole mess fascinating and a bit diabolical. In case one is not familiar with the term, P2P is when a person takes a fan fiction piece they wrote, "files off the serial numbers" of the work theirs is based on and publishes the story as their original work. Some times there is little editing, mainly to change names and reword a few phrases, and some times the piece gets a complete overhaul. During my info-hunt I stumbled onto this: http://gentleblaze.livejournal.com/514.html, this: http://fiftyshadesofplagiarism.blogspot.com/2012/04/fifty-shades-of-plagiarism.html#comment-form and this among other things: http://www.journalfen.net/community/bad_penny/8985.html.

TL;DR -- These are alleged conversations and goings-on pertaining to two successful p2pers. It's...interesting. To say the least.

For some reason, this put me into a slump--writing-wise. What's the point? When there are "writers" like this, and staunch supporters of their work, what's the fucking point? Honestly, I know why, but it is disheartening. I started questioning everything I have read recently. Of course, there are tried and true writers out there. The likes of King and Gaiman, LeGuin and Constantine--they'll never betray me. And there are hard-working writers that will never get this type of success that blow the above mentioned "writers" out of the water. I've read their books (well, parts because egads, this writing!). I can safely say they are nowhere near the level of many in their genres.

This also made me determined to polish up my skills even further. Just editing isn't going to cut it for me anymore. I took a step back from my ms and have been reading like a fiend. Any genre, new or old. If I hate the trend of writing that has popped up recently in bookstores that is akin to what I can find for free online, then I must get back to actual books. I feel like I haven't read a good book in ages. But that's good practice too. Right now, the book I'm reading is helping to remind me of what I DON'T want to do with my own writing. So that's not nothing. :)

Oh, little journal... Sorry I spewed all of this onto you. But that's where I've been at lately. Exciting or no.

And that's just ONE thing this month has brought me...

blog vomit, writing jibber jabber, i hate people, there is no hope

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