
Sep 29, 2012 20:07

Ehrm mer gerd! Is my beloved journal working again?! I think so! Fucking hell... Seriously, you guys don't even know I have been trying to update for, like, a butt-load of months. For some reason I could never get my account to function. It seems to be fine now.

Anyway, nothing too important is happening at the mo. I'm basically a cranky-pants right now. I had a shit day so now I am in a poopy moody, eating chocolate cookies and watching Criminal Minds. Which, usually I would call that a win, but I'm just pissed off and sad more than anything. Let me have my distractions, damn it!

Yeah, like that.

Man, I really hope that this entry actually works or I will be a sad, cranky panda.

So what else has been going on? I'm editing one of my brain children, made a sweet new title for it and also have broke 100,000 words. I am excite about this. Oh! I also got an awesome new chair. This summer was shit, but it's Fall so I'm pretty stoked about the possibilities.

blog vomit, blegh feelings!, bored heather

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