(no subject)

Aug 30, 2004 18:22

WoW i am really pissed i am really pissed i just wrote this really long entry an i hit idk somekind of button and it all went buh bye : / ok well let me c if i can rember  what all i wrote............ ok well the show on saturday was so awesome i saw the rawtones they kicked MAJOR ass omg i LOVE them i cant wait till the next show i wanto c them again!!!!! (pray i get a ride ::crosses fingers::!!) and we say acids band they were good 2....god i cant stand my grandma living w. us dont get my wrong i love her and all but she is crazy (literly) all she does is bitch at us all day telling us how much of peaces of shit we r and all that shit it is just BLAH err.... yeah so yesterday i was shoping w/ my mom and she goes to this chick that was looking @ her " do u have a problem" and they were like no and the guy tells me he likes my bandana (i was waiting a pink 1 lol) and i was like thanks and i figured out it was tiffany and eric i was like WoW lol it was gr8 so i tt them 4 a wile and gave him imy # cause he wanted to hangout w/ ua and all the good stuff so yeah that was ority much my weekend ....oh wait i forgot about friday it was so awesome me and josh went to krystals and smoked and walked to mikes house and smoked again and chilled there 4 a wile (lol it was weared there) then met up w/ john and walked back to krystle's house and josh's friends came over and idk if i liked them they were kinda anoying but idk i guess they were kool and the dude gave us some moor pot and the chick tryed to get some i achol but we dident have enough money so they left and we smoked ALOT moor then watched some porn but we couldant fine ne good 1's so we got perfect score and we watched it 2 imes but we all fell asleep the first 10 minutes and finally @ 12 the next day  we finally watched the whole thing lol so there was my weekend so if i forgot ne thing just tell me :P

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