Simboarding fun

Feb 11, 2009 01:44

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Simboarding fun at SLSBA home sim from Socks Catt on Vimeo.

Dream Horizon :

Why isn't this on youtube? WMG is throwing fits about money, so they're punishing the rest of us who like the music and don't pirate. Bastards.

Anyhow, a quick vid of me having fun on the Pro halfpipe at SLSBA's sim. I made the "huck-o-meter" (big yellow ruler like thing) to see how high airs were. Then I got the idea to put a platform on it and jump over and clear the platform. One thing led to another, and by the night's end I was enjoying myself WAY too much knocking the sculpty "n00b" off the platform at 15 M. Oh, and the trick at the end? I'm calling it a "Topshelf Highball", as opposed to a "highball" which is a similar stall on the judges window.

So this is a "demo run" using the huck-o-meter, the n00b, and some other elements to show a full length competition style run. I actually ran about 10-15 seconds over time, but it's an ok demo. Shot in SL, from my perspective. Those who get seasick easily may want to pass, because it involves a bit of motion.

and yes, I'm wearing a "Swat Kats" uniform, and riding an SK board too. What? I loved that show! If anyone wants a copy of the outfit let me know, I'll toss you one, but it comes with no guarantees / warranties it'll fit without some massive modification. I also made some of the animations / poses on the simboard too. I didn't like what was out there, so I made my own. Nothing unusual in SL, right?

video, cat, dream horizon, sports

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