(no subject)

Oct 23, 2007 23:49

So, I don't think I've ever expressed in this journal my aspiring wish to become a movie director, but here it is. And for that, wherever I might go to Uni, I'm going to see (and remember) a lot of movies (and also to coherently form an opinion other than 'OMFGUH!' or 'Ew.') So here is the first installment of a series which I will name later, when I'll feel more inspired.

Without further ado, I give you the first installment of my will-be-named-later critique series...

Oh. OH! How much love I have for this movie, I forgot! Damn coherency fails me (it's Mr. Darcy's fault, really!)

Some things I've noticed. This may just be me, but at times it seemed that certain elements of the scenery are closely tied to Elizabeth's evolution as a character. Think of the scene on the edge of those rocks, when she was in a muddle about her feelings for Darcy, on that intricate tree roots approximately at the same time, the rain in probably one of the most UST charged scenes I've ever seen and, of course, the glorious ending, with the mist and the sun rising and all that.

Music was good, melded with the movie atmosphere; I must find some time to try to find and play some of those piano pieces.

Uh, I think there was something more I wanted to mention...costumes were decent, not outstanding but I suppose they weren't very relevant, Keira Knightley was lovely as she usually is, Matthew Macfayden is so much sex it's liquefying to look, Judi Dench as distinguished as she should've been... ah, enough.

So, until next time, take care lovelies!

Tentative next subject: Pride & Prejudice ('95 BBC version) or Sense and Sensibility or Mansfield Park or maybe something else entirely

first part of will-be-named-later

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