Here's two new wonderful Spike/Fred ficlets by my friend
lilithbint! She wrote them based on some prompts I gave her at
nekid_spike, and gave me permission to re-post them in
spred. {{hugs her}}
The Lost by Lilithangel (aka lilithbint) Spike, Fred, Dawn, Xander
Rating: PG
Setting: alternate reality BtVS Season 7 / AtS Season 4
Summary: Fred takes a call from Sunnydale and goes to find the recently ensouled Spike in the basement.
Second Chance by Lilithangel (aka lilithbint) Illyria, Spike/Fred
Rating: PG
Setting: AtS post-Not Fade Away
Summary: After the battle Illyria falls. Spike takes care of her because nobody else can but who really came back?