What You Wish For (A Spike/Dru Ficlet)

Aug 16, 2009 14:50

This was written for lilithbint, who requested in the nekid_spike community's Aug. 9 “Claim Your Fantasy” challenge that she’d like a fic in which Spike wants a sane Dru. Eeeeek ( Read more... )

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Comments 13

petzipellepingo August 16 2009, 20:04:07 UTC
And for the love of all that’s unholy, MAKE HER STOP CALLING ME ‘CAPTAIN’!”

And she now calls herself "Tennille"? :: dies ::


sockmonkeyhere August 16 2009, 20:26:06 UTC

Oh lord, I never even thought of that. Hee, no, she means Captain Kirk. Spike was trying to watch Star Trek.


petzipellepingo August 16 2009, 21:33:24 UTC
That description of her outfit reminded me of Toni Tennille.


sockmonkeyhere August 17 2009, 02:53:29 UTC
Bwahahahaha! Or Laura Petrie.


agilebrit August 16 2009, 21:19:34 UTC
*dies laughing* OMG.

“I consented to break with my normal cycle of Pon’farr; however, I must insist that certain elements of decorum be kept.”



sockmonkeyhere August 17 2009, 02:48:41 UTC
*eg* Vulcans don' do it doggy-style. XD


kitmarlowescot2 August 17 2009, 09:05:56 UTC
Lol, oh this is so funny. Please let this have happened in your Reentry series, oh what teasing Fred could get out of Spike for this adventure.


sockmonkeyhere August 18 2009, 06:12:48 UTC
Hee! I'll see if I can work it in somewhere!


of_too_minds August 18 2009, 01:33:49 UTC

Only Dru would go from being insane to honestly believing she's a character from Star Trek. *snerk*


sockmonkeyhere August 18 2009, 06:11:43 UTC
*g* And she can't understand why the DeSoto won't fly at warp speed.


rebcake January 17 2010, 17:55:10 UTC
get her to dress in something that doesn’t look like Queen Elizabeth picked it out

Oh no! It's horrifying! Poor Cap--, I mean, Spikey!


sockmonkeyhere January 18 2010, 23:41:22 UTC
I almost wrote "like Princess Anne", but then remembered that in 1969 Princess Anne was a groovy, swinging teen! XD


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