Just Sayin'

Nov 25, 2008 21:51

The Abyss Afro clam Almeja Altar of love Amazon forest Arby's with fur Axe gash Axe wound B.o.b.'s bungalow Babby Baby oven Baby zipper Bacon hole Bacon strip Badly wrapped kebab Bag pipe Bait Bajingo Bald biscuit Bald man in a boat Baloney sandwich Banana box BAP (Bad Ass Pussy) Bean Bear trap Bearded axe wound Bearded clam Bearded taco Beaver Beaver Cleaver Beaver Teeth Beef curtain Beef garage Beef jacket Beef tomato Beefgina Beetle Hood Belly entrance Bermuda triangle Biff Biffen Big bud Big Montana Bikini bizkit Bird's nest Birdy Birth canal Birth cannon Bitch ditch Bitchcake Bitter & twisted Bizzle Black cat with its throat cut Black hole Black hole Of Calcunta Black oak Blood tap Bluntfrunt Blurt Bologna curtains Bologna Flap-Over Bone hider Bone hone Bone polisher Bone yard Bonefish Boogina Bottomless pit Bowl Box Box lunch at the Y Boy in the boat Boy in the canoe Brakepads Brazilian caterpillar Bread-box Breakfast Breakfast of champions Bubble gum by the bum Bucket Buffalo Gums Buhgina Bulldog's lip Bunny Bunny tuft Burger bar Bush Bush tucker Cake Calamari Cockring Camarillo brillo Camel hoof Camel toe Camp coochie Candy kiss Carpet Cat Cat's paw Catcher's mitt Catfish Cathedral Cathouse Cats Paw Cauliflower Cave Cha-cha Chanch Cherry Cherry pop tart Chia Hole Chia pet Chicken's tongue Chin-chin Chocha Choochi snorcher Choot Chopped ham Chuff Chumino Clam Clam canal Clamarama Clamato fountain Clamburger Clap trap Clit slit Clodge Close encounter with the turd kind Clown's pocket Cock cave Cock chafer Cock cozy Cock curator Cock garage Cock holster Cock magnet Cock milk Cock pit Cock pocket Cock sheath Cock sock Cock socket Cock squeezer Cock tub Cock warmer Cock-chafer Cockpit Cockwash Cod canal Cold cut combo Conch shell Concha Conill Cooch Coochie Coochie pop Cookie Coon Coonie Coont Coose canal Cootch Cooter Cooter Cooter muffin Cooze Count Fapula Courtney Cocksleve Crack Crack of heaven Cradle of filth Crave cave Cream canal Creamery, The Crotch cobbler Crotch mackerel Crotch taco Crotch Waffle Cucumber canal Cum bucket Cum canal Cum catcher Cum crack Cum craver Cum dumpster Cum target Cunny Cunt Cunt pie Cunti Cuntry pie Cuntzilla Cupid's cupboard Curly curtains Dank diner Davey Jone's locker Dead clam Deep pink Deep socket Deer Hoof Delta of Venus Dent Depository Devil's hole Dick basket Dick dent Dick deposit Dick depot Dick dock Dick drive Dick dungeon Dick eater Dick holster Dick mitten Dick rack Dick sharpener Dick shed Dick's crib Dicky Dino Dildo hotel Dinner roll Dirty cumpie Displabia Ditch Divit DNA dumpster DNA slurpee machine Dog's mouth Door of life Dove Breast Dove breast Dripping slit Droog Dyke snack Easy bake oven Egg drop Box Enchilada of love Erie canal Ever-lasting cum stopper Everlasting Gobstuffer Fadge Faith Fandango Fat rabbit Fatty The Fertile delta Festering wound Fetus flaps Field of dreams Filthy hatchet wound Finger warmer Fish canyon Fish dish Fish fanny Fish hole Fish mitten Fish pie Fish sandwich Fish taco Fishamajig Fishamjig Flaming lips Flange Flapped bap Flaps Flesh cavern Flesh curtains Flesh flute case Flesh tuxedo Flesh wallet Flesh wound The Flounder Flower Fluff Fluffy sausage wallet Fluttering love wallet Fly catcher Foo foo Foof Foofy bird Fortune Nookie Foster home of Peter the Orphan Foufoune Four-lipped man eater Foxhole Framazama French poodle Front Bottom Front-butt Frothing gash Fruit cup Frum Fuck donut Fuck hole Fuck pocket Fuckhole Fuffle Fun bun Fun hatch Fun tunnel Fur burger Fur pie Furback turtle Furby Furrogi (Poland) Furry 8 ball rack Furry front bottom Furry furnace Furry horse collar Fury pink mink Fuzz box Fuzz bucket Fuzzy cup Fuzzy lap flounder Fuzzy puddle Fuzzy taco Fuzzy wuzzy Gange Gap Gaper Gaping hole Garage of love Gash Gator grip Gauntlet Gina Ginch Giner Giney Gingerbread Gizmo Gleaming mound of Venus Glory hole Glory road Gnash God's master plan Golden Arches Golden gully Golden Palace Golden valley Goldmine Goo pot Goodie basket Gooey man trap Gouge Grand Canyon Grandest canyon Grassy knoll Gravy boat Grilled cheese Ground zero Growler Grumble Gutted hampster Gutted rabbit Gynie Haddock pasty Hair pie Hairy beaver Hairy bike rack Hairy checkbook Hairy cherry Hairy clam Hairy cream pie Hairy doughnut Hairy harmonica Hairy hatchet wound Hairy headache Hairy heaven Hairy Manilow Hairy Mary Hairy potter Hairy scar Hairy taco Ham sandwich Hamburger Hamper of goodies Happy flappy Happy valley Hatchet wound Head catcher Heart-shaped box Her Her asshole neighbor Hey nonny nonny Hidey hole Hina Hinge Hole Holiest of holies Holy grail Home plate Homebase Honey pot Honeyhole Hoo-ha Hoo-hoo Hooch Hoon Hootch Hootchie Hootchie pop Horizontal fishcake Horn of plenty Hot Box Hot pocket Hot quivering love-purse Hot spot Hot Tamaki Walk Hotdog bun Hummer hole Hump hole Hungry Minge Illnana The In hole Indiana Bones and the Temple of Poon Jack in the box Jack Nastyface Jaws of life Jellyroll Jewel box Jezebel's smell Jizz receptacle Juice box Kini Kit-Kat Kitty Kitty cage Kitty kat Knish Knob gobbler Knots landing Koo koo Kookooyumyumpoon Kooter Kunt Labbe Landing strip Lap flounder Launch pad Lawrence of A Labia Lick n' stick Lip Jeans Lip tip Lips that never speak Little debbie Lobster claw Lobster pot Lotus Lotus flower Love canal Love cave Love glove Love hole Love muffin Love muscle Love pudding Love rug Love tunnel Lovebox Lower lips Lucy Mammal hole Man in the boat Man's charity bash Man's ruin Map of Tasmania Meal ticket Meat counter Meat crease Meat curtains Meat grinder Meat massager Meat muffin Meat napkin Meat slipper Meat socket Meat tunnel Meat wagon Meat wallet Meatloaf Mejillon Melvin Midnight dip Miffy Minge Mingus Minnie's pearl Miss Pussy Missile silo Moan pie Momma's silk purse Mommy button Mommy parts Mommy's pie Money box Money maker Monkey Mooch The Moose knuckle Moose's lip Mossy Jaw Mother Theresa Motherload Mound Mound of Venus Mrs. Sphincter's next door neighbor Mucker Muckhole Mud flaps Muff Muff monster Muffhole Muffin Muffler Muffy Mule Nose Mumble Pants Mumbler Munch box Mushy mushy Mutton chops Mutton flaps Mystical fold Na-na Na-ner na-ner pudding Nana Nappy canoe Nappy dugout Nappy roots Nether lips Nethermeats Nice slice Ninja Boot Ninja slipper Nipper Noochie Nookie Nooner Oak tree planter Old bacon strip Old catchers mitt Old Mother Hubbard Old toothless One eyed worm hole One-eyed python trail One-eyed worm hole Oonie Orchid boat Organ grinder Otter's pocket Oval office Oyster taco Pachinko Packin' shack Pancake Fold Pandora's box Panocha Panty hamster Passion flower Pastrami Flaps Patona Peach Peach fish Pearl hotel Pearl pit Pecan Pattie Pecker-snot repository Pee bug Pee jaws Peeper Peeshie Pelt Penalty box Penis holster Penis parking Penis penitentiary Penis piranha Penis pocket Penis pothole Penis purse The Penis Station Penis warmer Perfume pit Peter pleaser Peter vise Peter's grove Peter's punching bag Peters grove Phat rabbit Pickle stinker Pink Pink brownie cake Pink canoe Pink circle Pink cookie Pink heaven Pink lipped custard sucker Pink lips Pink palace Pink panda Pink panther Pink petaled posie Pink pie Pink pit of pleasure Pink portal Pink stink Pink taco Pink truffle Pink turtleneck Pinkly stinkly Pish Pish buffet Piss curtains Piss Fenders Piss flaps Pissy froth hole Pizzo Plewie Po-po Pocket Pie Pocketbook Poke hole Pole Magnet Pole magnet Ponchita Poochika Poody tat Pookie Poon Poon jab Poonaner Poonani Poontang Poontang pie Poosazi Pooswaa Pooter Pootie poo Pootietang Pootnanny Pooty poo Pork danglies Pork pie Postage stamp Pot holder Pound cake Prayer muffin Prick pit Private area The Promised Land Pu-jar Pud pocket Puddin pie Pudding Pudi Pumpkin blossom Puna Punani Punash Puni Purple people penis eater Pushin' cushion Pussy Putang Puter Puty pu Python syphon Queef quarters Quiff Quim Quinnie Quivering mound of love pudding Rack of clam Rattlesnake canyon Raw oyster The Receptacle Red haired lass Red lane Red river gorge Red sea Red snapper Republic of Labia Revolving in/out door Richard's house Roast beef curtains Roast beef pita Rocket pocket Rod roaster Rooster fish Rooster Jaws Rosebud Round mound of beehound Round mound of repound Rug Rusty axe wound Sacapuntas Sagging bacon cones Salami garage Salami sandwich Salmon scented semen sucker Saloon doors Salt water taffy factory Sausage wallet Scrambled eggs between the legs Scrumpter Scrunt Scunt Sea food six pack Seafood taco Serpent socket Sex hole Shnush Shooting range Shrimp boat Shrimp pie Shutters of love Silk funnel Silk igloo, The Skin Canoe Skins Skunk guts Slice Slice of heaven Slickety squid Slime slit Slimey slot Slippery sheath Slippery slide Slit Slobbering bulldog Slop hole Sloppy joe Sloppy oyster Slot A Slot Pocket Slug's belly Slurpee machine Slurpy Smackey Smelly jelly hole Smoo Snack box Snack pack Snail tracker Snake charmer Snake lake Snapper Snatch Snizz Snizzle Snooch Snotty lips Snutch Soft taco South mouth The Southern smile Spam castanet Spasm chasm Sperm bank Sperm belcher Sperm harbor Sperm shack Sperm sucker Spitball Bullseye Split dick Split knish Split-faced hair shark Splittail Spock-socket Spunk locker Spunk pit Spunk-pot Squashed hedgehog Squazz Squeeze-box Squid Squirt bucket Squishy Stanky Stench trench Sticky bun Stink hole Stink rink Stinkhole Stinkinoonie Stinky krinky Stinky pink Stinky speedway Stop-n-pop Stuffed stocking Sugar basin Sugar hole Sugar walls Sweat box Sweaty burrito Sweet briar Sweet spot Sword swallower Tackle box Taffy puller Tampon tunnel Tang Tasty little morsel Temperamental ringpiece Temporary lodgings The big casino The Big W The blow hole The bone collector The condo downstate The cum dump The dea bone patch The Death of Adam The deflower patch The easy bake oven The fish flap The furry cup The great divide The Helmut Hide-A-Way The indoor barbecue The indoor picnic The Notorious V.A.G. The one-door vulva The promised land The pump protector The salt water taffy factory The schlong sucker The shrine The toothless blow job The Twatlantic Ocean The unmentionable The vegan store The vegitarian's temptation The Virginator The welcome opponent The Wombsday Book Theme park Thresher Tickled pink Tinker bell Tinkleflower Tomahawk chop Tongue depressor Tongue Roll Toolshed Treasure chest Tri-fold floppy Trim Trout basket Tulip Tuna 'n' whiskers Tuna melt Tuna pot pie Tuna spread Tuna taco Tuna town Tuna tunnel Tunnel Tunnel of love Turkey beard Turkey curtains Tutu Twat Twat waffle Twisted taco Two fingered fish mitten Two-lips Underwear oyster Upside down taco Vacuum Vulva Vadge Vagina Vagittyfidgit Vagooter Vaheena Vedgie Vedgie Veeg Velcro love triangle Velvet box Velvet glove Venus butterfly Venus fly trap Venus jive trap Vertical bacon slice Vertical grimace Vertical smile Vertical taco The Vice of love Vidgie Wagon Ruts Wand waxer Warm slurpee Wazza Weenie wringer Weiner wrap Welly Top Welly-boot top Wet mark Wet seal Wet wrinkle Where Uncle's doodle goes Whisker biscuit Whooha Wide open spaces Wide papaya smile Willy washer Willy's haven Wilt Chamberlian's daily glove Winkin' pink brownie cake Wizard's sleeve Wolly bolly Womens' weapon Wonder bread Wookie Wookie hole Woolen bivalve Worm hole Wound that never heals Wrinkle Wuzza X-Box Ya-ya Yeast cake Yeast pocket Yo Yo Smuggler Yoni Yum yum The Zone Abusing the wicked stick Adjusting the antenna Aiding and abetting a known felon Applying the hand brake Arguing with Henry Longfellow Arm-wrestle with your one-eyed vessel Attack the one-eyed purple-headed warrior Audition your hand puppet Backstroke roulette Badgering the witness Barking up the wrong tree Bash the candle Basting the ham Battling the purple-headed yogurt slinger Being rough with the sex stick Be your own best friend Beat the bishop Beat the bologna Beat the dummy Beat the meat Beat the pud Beat the stick Beat up your date Beef tips stroking off Bleed the weed Blow your own horn Bludgeon the beefsteak Bop the bologna Bop the bonzo Box the Jesuit Box with Richard Brushing up on your typing skills Buff the banana Bugger your hand Building upper-body strength Burp the baby Burp the worm Butter the corn Calling down for more mayo Calling in the secret service Caning the vandal Caulking the cracks in the bathroom tile Charm the snake Check for testicular cancer Cheese off Choke Kojak Choke the chicken Choke the sheriff and wait for the posse to come Clamp the pipe Clean your rifle Cleaning out your account Clear the snorkel Climb the tree Closet Frisbee Combing the hair on your bald pig Sally Combing your hair Communing with nature Consulting with your silent partner Corral your tadpole Couch hockey for one Crank the love pump Crank the shank Crimp the wire Crown the king Crushing pop cans in the dark Cuddle the kielbasa Cuff the carrot Daisy-chaining Dancing in the dragon's fiery breath Dancing with the one-eyed sailor Date Miss Michigan Date Mrs. Palmer and her five daughters Date Rosie Palm and her five sisters Debugging the hard drive Defrosting the fridge Digital penile oscillation Discovering your own potential Distributing free literature Do handiwork Do it your way Do the janitor thing Do the white knuckler Doing your homework Drain the monster Dry humping the ottoman Eating grapes with the one-armed man Electing the President Engage in safe sex Exercise one's right Exercising your right to privacy Fastening the chin strap on the helmet of love Feed the ducks Feeding bologna to the Smurfs Feeling your way around Fiddle the flesh flute Firing the pound gun Fishing with dynamite Fist your mister Five knuckle shuffle Flick your Bic Fling your phallus Flip the bishop Flipping your omelet Flog the bishop Flog the dolphin Flog the dong Flog the log Flog the mule Flogging the egg man Fly fishing Fondle your flagpole Free Willy Frost the pastries Frosting your maple bar Frying up the corndog Gallop the old lizard Gardening with the golden trowel Genital stimulation via phallengetic motion Get a date with Slick Mittens Get the German soldier marching Get to know yourself Get your pole varnished Give it a tug Give your low five Giving the half-blind dog a run for his money Go a couple of rounds with ol' Josh Go blind Go on a date with Fisty Palmer Go on a date with Handrea and Palmela Go the blow Going Hans Solo on arth Vader's head Submitted by Jake W. Goose the gherkin Grease the pipe Greasing the three-legged cow Hand job Hard labor Have one off the wrist Helping put Mr. Kleenex's kids through college Hitchhike to heaven Hitchhike underneath the big top Hitting too close to home Hoisting your own petard Hold the bishop Hold the sausage hostage Holding your own Hone the cone Honk your horn Hosing down the driveway Hotfooting it to the nearest exit Hug the hog Hump your hose Investing in pork bellies Invoking the Oscar Meyer love spell Jack hammer Jazz yourself Jerk Jamby Jerk the gherkin Left to your own devices Letting the cat out of the bag Liquidating the inventory Locking the bathroom door Look for ticks Looking for clues with Fred and Daphne Lope the mule Love the Muppet Love's labors lost Lubricating the love monkey Make a foreskin cone Make instant pudding Make the bald man puke Making a cash withdrawal Making chowder with sailor Ned Making it up as you go along Making magic with leftovers Making soup Making the bald man cry Making the bread rise Making the world safe for democracy Mangle the midget Manipulate the mango Manual labor Manual override Master Bacon, meet Rosie Hancock Meat with Mother Thumb and her four daughters Milk the lizard Milk the moose Milk the self Mount a corporal and four Much goo about nothing Nerk your throbber Null the void Oil the glove Onan's olympics One gun salute One man band One-night-stand with yourself Opening the flood gates Pack your palm Paddle the pickle Paint the ceiling Paint the pickle Painting the flag pole Painting the picket fence Palm the calm Paying at the turnpike Peel the banana Perform diagnostics on your man tool Pet the lizard Pip the pumpkin Play a little five-on-one Play a one-stringed guitar Play five against one Play in a one-man show Play peek-a-boo Play pocket pinball Play pocket pool Play tag with the pink torpedo Play the skin flute Play tug-o-war with Cyclops Play Uno Playing it safe Playing the one-stringed melody Playing the single-string air guitar Plugging in the toaster Plunk your twanger Polish Percy in your palm Polish the family jewels Polish the helmet Polish the rocket Polish the rock-hard staff of St. Peter Polish the sword Pound off Pound the bald-headed moose Pound the pud Pound your flounder Pounding the fence post Prepare the carrot Prime the pump Pull rank Pull the bologna pony Pull the carrot Pull the goalie Pull the pole Pull the Pope Pull the pud Pull your own leg Pull your taffy Pulling your own weight Pulling yourself up by your own bootstrap Pump the python Pump the stump Punch the clown Punch the munchkin Punish Percy in your palm Putting your best foot forward Putting your foot down Putting your thumb in the porridge Raining on your parade Ram the ham Relishing your hot dog Riding the five-legged pony Roll your own Rolling it off the lot Romeo and himself Rope the pony Rope the Pope Rub one out Rub the pink eraser Rubbing Buddha's tummy Run off a batch by hand Sacrifice sperm to the god of lonely nights Safest sex Sailing the mayonnaise seas Saluting the general Sampling the secret sauce Sand wood Scour the tower of power Scraping the bottom of the barrel Scratch the itch Screwing your courage to the sticking place Secret handshake Self abuse Self-induced penile regurgitation Sex with someone you really love Shake hands with Abe Lincoln Shake hands with the midget Shake hands with the unemployed Shake hands with your John Thomas Shake hands with your wife's best friend Shake hands with Yul Brynner Shake the sauce Shake the sausage Shake the snake Shaking hands with Dr. Winky Shellac the shillelagh Shemp the hog Shift gears Shine the helmet Shine your pole Shoot for the moon Shoot putty at the moon Shoot the airplane Shooting yourself in the foot Shuck your corn Sizing things up Slam the ham Slam the salami Slam the salmon Slam the Spam Slap high fives with Yul Brynner Slap it Slap pappy Slap the carrot Slap the clown Slap the donkey Slap the purple-headed yogurt pistol Slap the salami Slapping Johnny on the back Sling the jelly Smack the salami Smiting the pink knight Snap the monkey Snap the rubber Snap the whip Solo flight Solo marathon Solo sex Spank Elvis Spank the bishop Spank the frank Spank the monkey Spank the salami Spank the wank Spanking the rooster Spending your Christmas bonus Squeeze the cheese Squeeze the juice Squeeze the toothpaste in the middle of the tube Squeeze your cheese-dog Squeezing the happy lumberjack Stewing in your own juices Stinky pinky Stir the batter Stir the yogurt Strain the main vein Straining your cabbage Stretching the truth Strip-mining with the spaghetti man Stroke the carrot Stroke the mole Stroke the one-eyed burping gecko Stroke the satin-headed serpent Stroke your poker Stroke your Twinkie Strumming the one-string harp Take matters into your own hands Take part in population control Take the fifth Take the monster for a one-armed ride Taking a few practice shots Taking a load off Talk quietly to yourself Tame the shrew Taunt the one-eyed weasel Teaching the Cyclops the lambada Tease the weenie Tenderize the tube steak Tending to your own affairs Test your batteries That crazy hand jive Thrash your thing Thump the pump Thump your thong Tickle the ivory Tickle the pickle Tickle the taco Ticklewigglejigglepickle Tipping off the inspector Toss the snag Toss the turkey Toss yogurt Tug the slug Twang the wire Tweak your Twinkie Twist your crank Unleashing the alabaster yak Unloading the gun Unpacking the moving van Varnish the flagpole Varnishing the banister Visiting with Papa Smurf Wake the dead Walk the dog Walk the plank Walking a mile in Mr. Wiggly's shoes Wallowing in self pity Wank with the one-eyed wonder weasel Wash the meat Wax the Buick Wax the carrot Wax the dolphin Waxin' n' Milkin' Whack it Whack the weasel Whack Willy Whip the dummy Whip the one-eyed trouser snake Whip the one-eyed worm Whip the rat Whip the stiff Whip the wire Whip up some sour cream Whip your dripper Whitewashing with Huck and Tom Whittle the stick Wiggling your walrus Windsurf on Mount Baldy Wonk your conker Work things out Working at your own speed Working late at the office Working up a foamy lather Working without Annette Wrestle the dragon Wrestle the eel Wrestling with the bald champ Wring out your rope Wrist aerobics Yank the crank Yank the yo-yo Yank your plank
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