Aug 22, 2005 15:32
Tony Danza stars in Who's The Boss, this summer's most exciting reality show that has absolutely nothing to do with real life!
I wish Laguna Beach was that way!
Pop artists...let's see. I haven't updated in a while, so there's plenty of exciting things to bring to the dinner table besides Fragrant Childkiss #4563 of Slip..NOT! And of course there will be plenty of.
So I pretty much had work at the Slab on Saturday and Sunday for the first time(s). It was actually really sweet (no pun intended) except your hand hurts like childbearing after 5 hours of scoop-action and old people with erectile disfunction (including the old ladies), and the whole cash register deal just plain pisses me off. It's actually really fun though cuz I'm always working with at least one of my friends: I worked with Katie, Geoff, and a girl named Amy on Friday and on Saturday, Allan, Kraf, and a kid named Harper that supposedly drove up to me one day in a four-wheeler with his friend (they was drunk) and they kept yelling at me and I didn't know who the crap they were. And we throw walnuts and Scandinavians who don't tip. And I actually think making the cream (except for the killer scooping deal) is kinda fun, I like putting in (Mrs.) Mixons and what-not, it's cute. Little dogs are cute, but Jess still pwns Natalie Portman, buttholes. Anybody have news on when "Into The Blue" comes out?
Oh yeah, I totally snuck out Saturday night. I met Kim at Kisa's house where she and Amy were staying. It was pretty hXc. We all (except Amy, she was being a breath of fresh anus) went in the pool in our underwear, including me in my nasty bikini bottoms and both Kim and Kisa in their hott lingerie. And then some more drunk people drove by and yelled at me. Me and Kim went back to my house and had intercourse/a Quizno's sub. It was killer sweet and I think I'm gonna do it everyday for the rest of my life.
Matt called me and said he was interested in doing the band and that they found the other members. Only thing is I don't like the name cuz it's waaaay too stereotypical ("From Exile To Ruins," it sounds waaay too much like From Autumn To Ashes). I've been thinking about proposing the name change to "Fire At William" cuz I think it's kinda clever, kinda naked, but nonetheless amazing.
And now I'm just sitting here doing another sweet Rahmes outline, which we totally have to do one of every week. I've contemplated dropping outta that class alot. I'm seriously doing something everyday of the week (Monday: euph lessons, Tuesday: band practice, Wednesday: piano lessons and work, Thursday: band, Friday: f-ball games, Saturday and Sunday: work) and I dunno if I have the time for 2 AP classes and getting my daily dose of Oxygen and Lifetime, some input please?
I have nothing to say.
At all.
Happy Birthday Barry! Mullins! Big! Six! Oh! I hope this year! Is way better! Than! Last year! Cuz I hate it! When! You direct jazz! Band! Al! ot! And we! Do lots and lots of really pointless exer! cises! and warmups!
Bigotry! Bigotry? It must be those prankster Muslims, constantly gagging, constantly maligning my taste in Power Ranger's Movies, constantly being real dumb all the time. Popliteal in my soup. Won't someone like, pull that out for me in exchange for trisket that flies, you know, Ricardo? Steven Seagal gives that one a 6 out of 10, and everyone knows Jess is the winner.
Brittlekettles Inthemasochist Jr.
Poast a script: In honor of the lil' Kraf, I made this is one of my most random entries, no? Please rate the randomness of this entry (1-10) and if desired, shampoo twice and compare it to any others that you found particularly gay. Derek!
Again, sorry about the lack of Jess facts, I've just been too overobsessed and in awe of her total beauty lately. So cut me some slack. Oh yeah, I should totally be getting a poster from Katie Wall-turds and be loaned a copy of Sin City from Kenny...Chesney?
And the new Fall of Troy CD is incredible. Amazing? Sweet! It should be at FYE where everything priced very fairly and Charles II called Parliament into session rarely after 1674. Word has it TFOT is playing in Tallahasse with Fear Before, Bear Vs. Shark, and Circle Takes The Square, and seeing all 4 of them would seriously cause me to die. A lovely death protrudes in my innards but decides to compose a my bonnet.
And to settle this debate once and for all:
Who wins, Jessica Alba or Natalie Portman? (prepare to face defeat Nat)