PoT Day 007

Nov 01, 2011 00:41

Your favorite pairing.

Oh nooooo. This isn't obvious at all. Gee, only half of my icons are dedicated to them, 75% of my journal updates are fics about them, and I totally spazz out about them whenever one of the characters gets mentioned.

Nope. Totally not obvious.

Dear LJ,
My name is Aki. I am 22 years old. And I...am a Golden Pair fangirl.

It'd been hard, suffering with this addiction. Sometimes, I have difficulty making it through a day without getting my "fix." I find it hard to sleep sometimes. I frequently have trouble focusing on things going on around me.

I need help, guys.

*record scratch*

K, I'm not that bad. ...Yet. But I swear that one day, it will consume me.

With that disturbing note, I leave you with this adorable picture. (And a canon one, to boot!)

My OTP is so canon, guys.

30 days: tenipuri, meme, series: prince of tennis

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