May 08, 2006 01:01
so the weekend is over and work has to be done. yep.
that josh guy i know will be coming to my home for a few days and thats going to be the highlight of my week by far. i like that guy, in fact you could say i love him, you could also say that i put my dick in his mouth when he was sleeping and took a picture. i wouldn't say that, thats fucking gross.
after i'm done with josh than he will escort me into the fair city of tacoma, where i will wait unitl 9pm to pick up my girlo at the docks and will accompany her back to my house where we will dance in the moonlight and kiss beside candlelight, all and all, there will be lots of lighting invovled.
hopefully tanya and i will meet up with one of my twins, well, my only twin in fact and maybe, just maybe have other peoples involved in a night of heavy drinking and loud behaviour, but of course this all depends on the girl who lives in the home that she does to allow this sort of conduct.
goodnight, i will see you soon.