So I've been playing Tales of the Abyss. IT IS AWESOME. I actualyl really love luke. He's such a jerk. I usually don't like jerks like him. And I hav no idea why I lvoe him but I just do. AND I FEEL SO SAD FOR ASCH AND LUKE. so very sad ;___;
and yeah I drew some Haine from DOGS.
I like it, but I think the coloring of the skin ruined it. So now I don't want to finish D: and I hate how bad things look when scanned. especially markers. MAYBE I JUST NEED A BETTER SCANNER PERHAPS??
I'm cooking ham right now. WOOO I KNOW HOW TO COOK! it's actually easier than mac and cheese :0
and my hamsters are making my room smell which is not win. what should I do about it?? anybody have hamsters and can help me out?