For many years, all I could recollect of what I eventually discovered to be Albion Market were some fuzzy images in the mind's eye of the show's opening titles and the fact that the theme tune was somewhat unusual for a television programme. I still adore the theme: there's something about it that sends shivers up my spine.
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AM was supposed to be a sister-soap to the long running Coronation Street: the former was then broadcast on Mondays and Wednesdays only, and Albion Market entered the fray with Friday and Sunday episodes. It was such a shame that AM never really took off. It was a grittier counterpoint to the wonderful comedy of Coronation Street and, given time, may well have rivalled the mighty Eastenders over on the other side. The show was given a welcome repeat airing on the satellite/cable channel, Granada Plus, in the late 1990s and this gave me the opportunity to revisit some of those hazy chidhood memories. A much better, and fuller, synopsis of Albion Market can be found at this link -