Accompany You [Chapter 7]

Mar 28, 2012 18:36

Title:  Accompany You [7 / 12] 
Author:  choi_minju  
Warning:  How do I put this...?  Fangirl imagination mode gone wild when writing this. 
Rated:  PG-15 (for now)
Disclaimer:  Why must we all add this part?  Is this the reality you want?  Aish, no one owns SHINee - deal with it!  ...except for SM Entertainment. -____- 
Summary:  SHINee's Onew and Jonghyun's ideal girl is the actress Shin Sekyung.  Both men agreed on a bet to whoever first dates Sekyung will be able to make the other guy do something embarrassing and rated.  Not wanting to lose this bet, Jonghyun finds a way to ask Sekyung on a date.  Unfortunately, Sekyung only accepts the date because she's a hardcore JongKey shipper. =___=Meaning:  She'll only go on the date if Key comes along.

This story basically shows the fangirl creepiness within Shin Sekyung and the awesomeness that is JongKey.  n_n Enjoy! 
Pairings:  JongKey [well DUH!], JongKyung [onesided fangirl, relax], OnKyung [ could happen...],2MIN!friendship

-----------------------------------------------------------------------inspired by joycekeewy 's prompt----------------------------------------------

[Prologue]   [Chapter 1]   [Chapter 2]   [Chapter 3]  [Chapter 4]  [Chapter 5]   [Chapter 6]

Jonghyun nodded and blushed slightly. He felt like the girl on this 'outing' because he didn't pay, and that was bad for his image, considering he's the one between the two with muscles and abs. He pouted as he registered Key's height against his. Damn, why didn't I wear insoles today? "Because you don't think, Jjong." Key bluntly replied and gave him a look. "Stop talking to yourself in public. It's starting to creep the customers out!" )
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