Ironic that they fall into a semi-socialist scheme:
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need" - Marx, Critique of the Gotha Program
Medi-share is similar to a non-profit insurance company, although it makes no guarantee as to payments. In lieu of or in addition to payments, it is possible to receive merely prayer cards. Unfortunately, the prayer treatment has never cured amputees. (it also has the curious effect of actually making it
more likely for many
patients to die) Also gotta love the tag line, "the Biblical Healthcare solution." Fuck, in Biblical times, what did they do, knock bad teeth out with rocks?
The program's contract not only excludes tobacco users, drinkers, drug-users, gluttons, and non-Christian fuckers (ya know, Sodomites!), but it also excludes people who get AIDS via gay sex, and abortions of a fetus (
fetus eh? I smell a loophole!).
Cuz its not like Jesus healed lepers and made friends with whores or anything...