its like 100 degrees right now. what the fuck.
its suposed to be winter.
i am taking this term off. putting life into perspective. i want to work a lot, but i dont want to commit to anything im gonna have to quit in a couple months for school. i cant wait to finish school. one more term.
i shot a couple projects, art work for a CD and assisted on some fun shoots. i have a couple more this week, and hopefully some more in the near future.
the band had a name change. since there are a bunch of other dorks with the name "providence" we changed. now we're Arches.
it came to me because of the printing paper. but it also has kind of a cool ring to it. so now we're Arches. dig it.
we have a full set and are planning on playing some shows soon. in march for sure, and maybe some in the end of feb.
we're in the process of recording too. we got some tracks laid down, but still have a ways to go. sounds pretty awesome.
lastnight jenn and i joined 2 of her friends for dinner and popped open this big bottle of wine we've had since last xmas. it was la crema pino noir 2002. very good stuff. it was one of those big ass bottles that had like 4 bottles of wine in it. we figured we would share it with the cooks, and other people in the restaurant, but nobody would help us. we drank the whole fucking thing. topped it off with some weird chocolate liquer shot and a serious headache and stomach ache all night. blegh to that, but it was fun.
jenn and i went on a little skate down to the farmers market today. she rollerskates and i skateboard. it was nice, but fuckin hot. now im home, listening to some records, eating apples with peanutbutter, procrastinating the big website overhaul.
anybody wanna do my website for me? please? i'll take pictures of whatever you want in return. i like simple things. i can even prep alllllll the images for you.
im way behind with the updates, so if you wanna know more, ask.