Help me fuck with PETA's vision of "sexy"!

Feb 27, 2010 14:47

I've been pissed about PETA's fat-phobic (not to mention racist, objectifying, and otherwise embarrassing) campaigning for a long time now. It wasn't a surprise to me to stumble upon their 'Sexist Vegetarian Next Door' contest and find that the vast majority of the women who've applied are thin (not to mention white, long-haired, big-breasted, and scantily clad). I don't mean to hold the fact that these women fit into normative beauty (and gender) standards against them, but rather to underscore the fact that these are clearly the people who feel 'sexy' enough to enter the contest, and are hooked in enough to PETA's circles to know to enter it. None of this is coincidental.
Being vegan or vegetarian does not automatically make you thin, and being thin does not automatically make you sexy (or healthy, or anything else but thin). Likewise, being fat does not automatically make you unhealthy, and god knows there are a lot of sexy people out there with every different body type you can think of. To me, being sexy is being strong, being funny, being smart, being fun. Incidentally, none of these things inherently require a baring of undergarments.
So what's to be done if you're a ticked-off, fat, feminist vegan? Well, enter the contest, I guess! If nothing else, I figure I can have a little fun, get a rise out of some of the right folks, and raise a bit more awareness around animal rights, feminism and body-positivity all at the sametime. I can dream, right?
Please go HERE ( to vote for me. I'm hoping toget my big, fully-clothed ass on the first page. I'd love to see PETA's beauty standards disrupted for just a second by a different type of sexy, healthy, strong vegan lady!
And if you want proof of the aforementioned offenses, check out any of the following links: (Fat-phobic beach billboard) (ads to be placed on the US-Mexico border) (I'd rather go naked?) ('Milk Gone Wild')
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