gg, my cat, had to have over $700 of emergency medical care today, in addition to the $160 i spent just two days ago, and the bills are going to keep piling up over the next 24-48 hours while he has to stay at the vet's with an IV
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hi, you posted on gaugetrade with some teal dichros that my girlfriend would buy ofr $15...then i noticed someone else would spend 20 on them. i would really, really love to get these as a gift for her (shes a dichro lover) and ill pay 22 or 24 for them, if they arent already spoken for.
well, that's a cute story, and if you want to pay maybe $23 including shipping?, i'd say you can have them. let me know if you want to do paypal (as long as it's not a credit card payment), or whatever else.
so, crap, i guess i forgot to mention to you that i can't take credit card payments through paypal, unless i want to 'upgrade' my account and let them take money off of every transaction, which i don't. so i denied your payment. sorry about that! i'd be happy to take money order, check, or well concealed cash, though. let me know if you want to do that and need my address.
let me know if you want to do paypal (as long as it's not a credit card payment), or whatever else.
so i denied your payment. sorry about that! i'd be happy to take money order, check, or well concealed cash, though. let me know if you want to do that and need my address.
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