~*~Part One~*~
Name: Sarah
Age: 19
Birthday: September 26, 1985
Gender: Female
Hair/Eye Color: Dark red
Where you are from: Charleston, South Carolina but I live in Johnson City, Tennessee for school and Jefferson City, Tennessee for home.
~*~Part Two~*~
Exterior (Stuff you like, your style, but not “scene”; The clothing you like, any way you express yourself, or what interests and/or attracts you, etc.): Hmm, yes…I’m not sure what I am. I wear a bunch of neato bracelets, so that’s punk or so I’m told, and I wear band t shirt. But, I wear button up shirts and such, so that’s preppy. Somewhere around those lines.
Do you have any body modifications? Not that I know of.
How would your friends describe you? Sarcastic, funny? Yeah, you know I am. I’m nice, sweet, and a great friend!
Are you a loner, leader, or a follower? I think I’m more of a follower.
Things you are obsessed with: Chris Carrabba of Dashboard Confessional, not just him, but his lyrics and such.
What do you find beautiful? Chris Carrabba? No, I’m kidding. I think the stars are so beautiful at night.
What do you find ugly? Haters, cheaters, liars, oh wait isn’t that all guys??
~*~Part Three~*~
List the following as the directions state.
10 songs that you relate to/really like that provide an idea of what I would hear if I came to hang out at your place or what you listen to alone. Give us a line from each and explain what makes you like them. Be sure to make at least two in detail and feel free to be general on the others.
1. "Hands Down" by: Dashboard Confessional. "This is the best day I can ever remember." I have days of my life that I consider the best. But, some I can't pick one over the other. But, we all have at least one.
2. "Lover I Don't Have to Love" by: Bright Eyes. "Love is an excuse to get hurt." Sometimes, I have felt where love is just an excuse to get hurt, but I know it's more than that. It just seems sometims that all that happens is the pain and not the pleasure.
3. "Touch" by: Bright Eyes. "When the brokeness inside as hope and less collide." I have had times before I have gotten hopeless about certain things, er, people. And its all broken inside and the hope and less does collide. Man, I am rhyming. Er, anyways, next.
4. "Here's To The Night" by: Eve 6. "Here's to the nights we felt alive, here's to the tears you'd knew you'd cry, here's to goodbye, tomorrow's gonna come too soon." To me, this is all about the end of a new chapter, let's say, high school, graduation, and such. And not wanting it to end. This is the song that always pondered my mind, and I always thought it should've been our graduation song.
5. "True: by: Ryan Cabrera. "I've waited all my life to cross this line to the only thing that's true. So I will not hide, it's time to try anything to be with you." I have done anything to be with that great guy, er, let's just say guy. When you're in love, you do things you wouldn't normally do.
6. "Everything I Do, I Do It For You" by: Bryan Adams. "Look into my eyes, and you will see what you mean to me. Search your heart, search your soul and when you find me there, you'll search no more." This is about looking into their eyes and seeing what you've been looking for all along. Been there, done that.
7. "Welcome To My Life" by: Simple Plan. "To be on the edge on breaking down, but no one's there to save you." To me, this is all about having inner battles with yourself, when you feel lost. And no one there to help, well physically they are there, but, there's nothing that anyone can do.
8. "Unreachable" by: Ashlee Simpson. "So don't make me cry, cuz this love don't feel right, you can't push a river, you can't make me fall, but you can make me unreachable." This is about right after a breakup where you're very, very emotional and don't want to cry over the one who won't cry over you. We, er, us girls, have been there. Some guys, maybe. But, mostly girls.
9. "Emotionless" by: Good Charlotte. "It's been a long hard road without you by my side, why weren't you there on the nights we cried, you broke my mother's heart, you broke your children for life, it's not okay, but we're alright. I remember the days you were a hero in my eyes, but those are just a long, lost memory of mine. I spent so many year learning how to survive. Now, I'm writing to let you know I'm still alive." Sorry for the big chunck of a lyric, but it's worth it. Don't hate, Niccy. This describes me and my brother to a "t" because our dad was never around, makes no attempt to contact us or see if we're still kicking it, so yeah.
10. "I Don't Want To Be" by: Gavin DeGraw. "I dont have to be anything other than what I've been trying to lately." This is about just being who you are, and not changing for anyone for any reason.
In the following, it asks for at least 10, but feel free to add as many as you like!
10 random facts about yourself
1. I love That 70's Show and Will and Grace.
2. I admire sensitive guys.
3. I love geeky/smart guys.
4. My best friend is my brother.
5. I drive a car I love.
6. I think Seth Cohen is uberly funny.
7. My favorite color is lime green.
8. I am a quote whore, along with the LJ whore.
9. I love the Pontiac GTO in "The Punisher:
10. I wear cool glasses.
10+ words/statements to describe you
1. Honest.
2. Sarcastic.
3. Funny.
4. Nice.
5. Caring.
6. Loving.
7. Sensitive.
8. Deprived.
9. Emotional.
10. Confident.
10 qualities/things you respect in people
1. Honesty.
2. Integrity.
3. Confidence.
4. Sarcasm.
5. Sense of humor.
6. Open minded.
7. Non-judgemental.
8. Caring.
9. Sensitive.
10. Emotional/not afraid to cry.
10 things you want to accomplish or overcome in your life
1. A college degree.
2. Find true happiness.
3. Meet the perfect guy for me.
4. Find someone who understands me.
5. Marry the perfect guy for me.
6. Find a Will for my Grace. If you understood that, I love you.
7. Meet my idol.
8. Get a good job and be happy with it.
9. Never cheat on a guy.
10. Sing in front of people, not that I have talent.
10 things you despise
1. Haters.
2. Cheaters.
3. Some guys.
4. Stubborness.
5. Cocky guys.
6. Math.
7. Cheery people.
8. Stuck up people.
9. Liars.
10. Fake people.
~*~Part Four~*~
Do you have any disorders/special conditions? Nope. Thankfully.
If so and you don’t mind sharing, what are they? All I have is allergies. Thanks to my dad. Ass.
How do these affect you? Well, perfume, grass, pollen. Bastards.
What is your biggest fear? Heights.
Do you consider yourself a deep thinker? Yes, I do.
Do you believe in heaven and hell?
Do you believe in ghosts and paranormal? To a degree.
Do you believe eyes are the windows to the soul? Yes, I do. As corny as that sounds.
What are your spiritual/religious beliefs? I believe in God, and miracles can happen. "Miracles, no matter how inexplicable or unbelievable can occur without regard to the natural order of things." If you can guess what that is from, you get a cookie. Maybe even 2.
Do you believe in God/Goddess/Higher Power? See above.
Do you consider yourself open minded, if so how and why? Yes, because I don't judge people before I get to know them. I try to keep open mindedness before making any kind of judgement.
Do you like to read/learn? If so, what topics interest you? Lately, I've been reading Nicholas' Sparks books, so yes, I love sappy love romance books. And quotes.
Do you believe in soul mates? Yes, I believe there is someone out there for everyone. I thought I met mine, but I was proven wrong ::enter irony here::
What is your view on love? I believe in it, I've experienced it, and I'm waiting for it to come around again. "And I'll sit here waiting for you to want me, for you to need me, for you to notice me."
~*~Part Five~*~
What are your educational/career plans for now and the future? I am an Elementary Education major (K-6) and so I will be teaching the little demons, I mean kids. Haha. That is all I have for right now. I hope to go back to my hometown of Charleston/Mount Pleasant, South Carolina to be a teacher.
Are you interested in art? Yes, I love art. I took 2 art classes in high school, and my brother thinks very highly of my art.
Do you create any type or form of art (photography, writing of any form, digital art, photo shop, icons you make, layouts, poetry, prose, artistic thoughts on things, drawing, sketches, painting, charcoals, sculptures, music…etc.)? I used to draw a lot, but now all I seem to do is write poetry.
If so, please post examples. I don't have any examples of it on my computer. But, I will post some in the community if I get accepted.
Do you play any type of musical instrument? Nope, sadly. I tried playing my brother's guitar, but he's left-handed and I'm not, well I can write with my left hand, but he had the strings fixed for a left-handed person and well it got hard. I would still like to learn.
What is your favorite piece of professional art? A famous painting or such. Give a link so we can see it!! (If its a poem writing, copy and paste it, be sure to post who wrote it!)Why is this your favorite? Hmm, I love Andy Warhol's work, but I'll go with absolute favorite and it would be "Starry, Starry Night" by: Vincent Van Gogh.
http://www.respree.com/posters/museumimages/starry-night-vincent-van-gogh.jpg ~*~Part Six~*~
Post at least three good pictures of yourself. **We are NOT a “rating” community. We will not vote on your looks. We like to know what our members look like, and who they are.** If you do not have photos to post, please contact me before applying!
~*~Part Seven~*~
Click on the link .:Click Me:.
and follow the instructions! Copy and Paste in this section of the application.
Suave and compromising. Careful, cautious. Likes to point out people's mistakes. Stubborn. Quiet but able to talk well. Calm and cool. Kind and sympathetic. Concerned and detailed. Loyal but not always honest. Does work well. Very confident. Sensitive.Thinking generous. Good memory. Clever and knowledgeable. Loves to look for information. Able to motivate oneself. Understanding. Fun to be around. Secretive. Loves sports, leisure and traveling. Hardly show. Tends to bottle up feelings. Very choosy, especially in relationships. Systematic.
~*~This is for our knowledge!!~*~
Where did you find this community? From the great ANDREA!!!!!!!!!