.:The Application:. (Revised on 11/20/04)

Nov 17, 2004 17:31

This application is long. Sorry. I know of some communities that are the superficial type and have longer applications. The point of this application is for us to get to know you better. We want to know who is posting. We want to know who that person is, not just their name or user name or what they are posting, but a deeper meaning of who that person is. If you want to be in this community, please fill this application out. This will give us an idea of who you are. This will also show that you are willing to put forth effort. We want everyone to remain active, and to show that you are willing to do this, there is a more likely chance you will remain active. Sorry for the length...but most of the questions are short (yes and no type) answers. Its really not as long as it looks.

~*~Part One~*~
Hair/Eye Color:
Where you are from:

~*~Part Two~*~
Exterior (Stuff you like, your style, but not “scene”; The clothing you like, any way you express yourself, or what interests and/or attracts you, etc.):
Do you have any body modifications?
How would your friends describe you?
Are you a loner, leader, or a follower?
Things you are obsessed with:
What do you find beautiful?
What do you find ugly?

~*~Part Three~*~
List the following as the directions state.

5 songs that you relate to/really like that provide an idea of what I would hear if I came to hang out at your place or what you listen to alone. Give us a line from each and explain what makes you like them. Be sure to make at least two in detail and feel free to be general on the others.

In the following, it asks for at least 5, but feel free to add as many as you like!

5 random facts about yourself

5+ words/statements to describe you

5 top qualities/things you respect in people

5 things you want to accomplish or overcome in your life

5 things you despise

~*~Part Four~*~
Do you have any disorders/special conditions?
If so and you don’t mind sharing, what are they?
How do these affect you?
What is your biggest fear?
Do you consider yourself a deep thinker?
Do you believe in heaven and hell?
Do you believe in ghosts and paranormal?
Do you believe eyes are the windows to the soul?
What are your spiritual/religious beliefs?
Do you believe in God/Goddess/Higher Power?
Do you consider yourself open minded, if so how and why?
Do you like to read/learn? If so, what topics interest you?
Do you believe in soul mates?
What is your view on love?

~*~Part Five~*~
What are your educational/career plans for now and the future?
Are you interested in art?
Do you create any type or form of art (photography, writing of any form, digital art, photo shop, icons you make, layouts, poetry, prose, artistic thoughts on things, drawing, sketches, painting, charcoals, sculptures, music…etc.)?
If so, please post examples.
Do you play any type of musical instrument?
What is your favorite peice of professional art? A famous painting or such. Give a link so we can see it!! (If its a poem writing, copy and paste it, be sure to post who wrote it!)Why is this your favorite?

~*~Part Six~*~
Post at least three good pictures of yourself. **We are NOT a “rating” community. We will not vote on your looks. We like to know what our members look like, and who they are.** If you do not have photos to post, please contact me before applying!

~*~Part Seven~*~
Click on the link .:Click Me:.
and follow the instructions! Copy and Paste in this section of the application.

~*~This is for our knowledge!!~*~
Where did you find this community?
Promote us to at least one person. :)
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