Being Gay is just a difference that people embrace and survive that way with.

Jun 17, 2004 19:55

 *Hug* I heart you all. You people are the bestest friends ever. :) *Hugs computer again*

I found this quite interesting...I have this thong that has a picture of a bannana on it and then it says, "Peel This!" Well ironicy enough, the picture of the bananna is peeling off. lmao. I liked that bannana too! *cries* Oh well, I shall live...I hope...

What is George Bush's problem with gay people!? I understand that there are many close-minded homophobes out there, but god, you don't have to announce it to the world. I use to like President Bush, but now I think he is bringing his own personal issues into the government. Just because you have a personal problem with something doesn't mean you have to make it everyone else's problem. It'd be like me being Govenor and I didn't like banannas, so I'd try to pass a Bill against it. That's how stupid those whole "no gay marriage" thing is. Does Bush really want to stand in the way of true love? It may be untraditional, but believe it or not, these people feel just as passionate about eachother as a straight-person does about the opposite sex. I think it is something people are born with and just can't help being gay. It's just the way they are. So is Buch suggesting people not be themselves and embrace their differences? It's like to say people born deaf shouldn't let everyone know they can't hear. Because being gay is something you are born with, just like color-blindess, or being deaf, or crippled, or blind. All of those things are just differences and those people embrace them and prove to the world they can survive that way. Well being gay is just like that, it's just a difference that people embrace and survive that way with. So is Bush trying to prevent someone's natural order? I don't think he has really thought this over because right now he is being very foolish and looking like an ass. I can assure you that if I were of legal age, I would not be voting for anything Bush. I am not going to allow him to take away gay people's pride and way of survival. I don't think Bush comprehends that marriage is a major part of a person's life, as he has experinced, and gay people just want to go through that like everyone else does. Without marriage, gays may feel left out and not really truly committed  to their partners. And they can't survive that way, with an empty piece in their heart. Does Buch want these gays to die on the inside? Does he really want a depressed community? I know his Bill could never succeed at getting passed, but he is certainly succeeding at pisses off not only gays, but people like me too. People who sympathize with gays. You know, open-minded people. We need more of those in this world. And as a bisexual I must say I am disappointed. Dissapointed in Bush's poor judgement.

...I talk too much. lol. Read that all? :) Tell me what you think on this stupid ordeal Bush has created. I know I am not the only one out there who thinks what Bush is attempting is moraly wrong and just plain out idiotic.
  I'm th/ /is close to becoming an Anarchist.

Brooke xxx
Warped Tour: Asbury Park, New Jersey- 51 Days!!! ((Hell yeah!))
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